
  • 网络cycloalkenes;cycloolefin;cycloalkene;cycloolefine
  1. 该反应不仅具有区域选择性,对环烯还有很好的立体选择性。

    The reaction presented not only regio-selectivity , but also stereoselectivity for cycloalkenes .

  2. 六羰基钼体系催化环烯的开环聚合

    Catalytic Ring-Opening Polymerization of Cycloalkenes by Mo ( CO ) _6 System

  3. 环烯醚萜苷对大鼠脑梗死后NF-κB与凋亡调节因子Bcl-2/Bax表达变化的影响

    Effects of iridoid glycoside on changes of NF - κ B and Bcl-2 / Bax after cerebral infarction in rat

  4. 结论环烯醚萜苷元PSI是糙叶败酱抗肿瘤作用的活性成分之一。

    Conclusion The iridoid aglycones PS I is one of the effective compounds from Patrinia scabra having Antineoplastic activity .

  5. 利用过氧化氢(H2O2)和MPP~+诱导的PC12细胞损伤模型,筛选存在于天然药物中的环烯醚萜甙类化合物中具有保护作用的活性成分。

    The three kinds of iridoids played different roles on hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2 ) - and MPP + - induced viability loss .

  6. 以栀子苷标示栀子总环烯醚萜苷,采用HPLC法测定其含量,作为工艺筛选时的评价。

    In this paper jasminoidin is used to signal total iridoid glycoside of Cape Jasmine Fruit , and the contents were determined by HPLC method for evaluation of technology screening .

  7. 研究结果显示在该植物中,MVA途径不仅可以合成蜕皮甾酮,同样可以合成环烯醚萜苷。

    The results showed that MVA pathway can synthesize not only ecdysones , but also iridoid glucosides .

  8. 栀子果实中主要的有效成分为环烯醚萜苷类,而栀子苷(geniposide)为此苷类主要有效成分之一。

    The major constituents of Gardenia fruits are iridoid glycosides , among which geniposide is the major iridoid component .

  9. 结果表明:巯基硅氧烷能大大提高NLO的自由基聚合速率,环烯键对硫醇十分敏感,巯基硅氧烷溶胶兼具光引发剂和交联剂的作用。

    Results indicate that thiol siloxane ( MPTS ) colloids can greatly increase the free radical polymerization rate effectively as photoinitiator and crosslinker .

  10. 通过对原材料进行研究,筛选出杜仲鲜皮为提取环烯醚萜化合物京尼平甙酸(GPA)、桃叶珊瑚甙(AU)和京尼平甙(GP)的原料;

    Base on the choice of various raw materials , fresh bark was chosen to extract Iridoids compounds such as geniposidic acid ( GPA ), aucubin ( AU ) and geniposide ( GP ) .

  11. 这一令人鼓舞的消息源于这样一个发现:较低的白蜡树枯梢病易感性与较低水平的植物化学物质“环烯醚萜苷类”(iridoidglycosides)之间存在关联。

    The encouraging news comes from the discovery of a link between reduced susceptibility to ash dieback and lower levels of plant chemicals called iridoid glycosides .

  12. 环烯醚萜苷类有助于保护植物免受虫害,因此这类化合物的含量较低可能使英国白蜡树在另一大威胁——一种被称为白蜡窄吉丁(emeraldashborer)的甲虫——面前更为脆弱。

    Iridoid glycosides help to protect plants against insect pests , so low levels could make the British trees more vulnerable to the other big threat to European ash , a beetle called the emerald ash borer .

  13. 从三花龙胆(GentianatrifloraPall.)根部首次分离到一个裂环烯醚萜甙即龙胆苦甙(gentiopicroside),并精制成标准品。

    A secoiridoid glucoside , gentiopicroside , has been isolated from the roots of Gentiana triflora Pall . for the first time and purified in to a standard .

  14. 异喹啉盐可与不同结构的环烯醚及环烯醇醚进行Diels-Alder环加成反应,这是合成稠环化合物的有效途径。

    Some isoquinolinium salts are able to react with a wide variety of cyclic enol ethers and cyclic vinyl ethers in Diels-Alder reaction , this is an effective way to form fused ring compounds .

  15. 实验采用EPM、明暗箱两个模型互参,从非条件反应模型角度观察环烯醚萜类成分对动物的抗焦虑作用,大大增加了药效学评价的可靠性。

    Experiments using EPM model and the mice light-dark box model to interaction parameters . Observation From the non-conditioned response model that stable antianxiety effect on animals of iridoids . Has greatly increased the pharmacodynamic evaluation of reliability .

  16. 用HPLC-UV-MS技术对分离到的一个环烯醚萜组分进行了在线分析表征,推测了其中两个微量新环烯醚萜甙的结构。

    Besides , two minor compounds from an aqueous fraction were tentatively identified as two new iridoid glycosides by means of HPLC-UV-MS analysis .

  17. 结论:环烯醚萜总苷能降低糖尿病血管并发症大鼠血清AGE-P水平,具有减轻糖尿病血管并发症的作用。

    Conclusion Iridoid Glycosides is able to lower the level of AGE-P of rat serum in vascular complications of diabetes and to mitigate the vascular complications of diabetes accordingly .

  18. 在室温条件下,用HanauTQ-150高压汞灯照射α-芳庚酚酮甲醚(10),得到双环环烯酮(11),这是合成PG的一个理想原料。

    At room temperature , by using a Hanau TQ-150 high pressure mercury are lamp , to irradiate α - tropolone methyl ether ( 10 ) the bicyclo-cyclopentenone ( 11 ) was obtained , which was an ideal material for PG synthesis .

  19. 栀子环烯醚萜类成分活性作用的虚拟评价

    Virtual evaluation on activities of iridoids from cape jasmine fruit

  20. 目的介绍环烯醚萜类化合物研究概况和近年研究进展。

    OBJECTIVE Summarize the research progress on natural iridoid compounds .

  21. 共轭环烯芳香性的极限研究

    Studies on the limit of aromaticity of conjugated cyclenes

  22. 苯胺与环烯醚的串联反应合成1,2,3,4-四氢喹啉

    Synthesis of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinolines by Iodine-Catalyzed Cascade Reaction of Anilines with Cyclic Enol Ethers

  23. 中药环烯醚萜成分的提取分离和药理作用研究

    Research Progress in Extraction Separation and Pharmacological Effect of the TCM Iridoid Glycoside

  24. 人工栽培盐生肉苁蓉环烯醚萜苷类成分的研究

    Studies on the Iridoid Glycosides of Cultivated Cistanche salsa

  25. 分光光度法测定藏药独一味及其制剂中总环烯醚萜苷的含量

    Determination of Total Iridoid Glycoside in Lamiophlomis rotata and Its Preparation by Spectrophotometry

  26. 结果环烯醚萜类化合物具有多种生物活性。

    RESULTS Iridoids have various kinds of biological activities .

  27. 结论环烯醚萜是一类很有研究价值的化合物。

    CONCLUSION The studies on iridoids are valuable .

  28. 蜘蛛香环烯醚萜类成分中枢抑制作用研究

    Study on the Central Nerve Depressant Effect of the Iridoids of Valeriana Jatamansi Jones

  29. 有发展前途的植物次生物质&环烯醚萜类

    Iridoid & a promising potential secondary products

  30. 魔鬼爪含有环烯醚萜甙,部分认为有强大的抗炎作用。

    Devil 's claw contains iridoid glycosides , components believed to have strong anti-inflammatory effects .