
  • 网络panda house;Giant Panda;panda hall
  1. 和平常一样,熊猫馆里挤满了孩子。

    As usual , the Giant Panda House was bursting with children .

  2. 成都动物园的熊猫馆设计

    Design of Panda House in the Chengdu Zoo

  3. 毒气经由用来为熊猫馆降温的排风口进入馆内,致使大熊猫“泉泉”中毒死亡。

    This caused poison gas to be discharged through an ventilator shaft which had been used to cool the panda house , causing the tragedy .

  4. 同时,台北市政府称,他们已投入约2.5元新台币用于兴建熊猫馆。而六福村用于该项目的款项仅为台北市的三分之一。

    Meanwhile , Taipei 's city government says it has invested about NT $ 250 million to build a panda house , while Leofoo says it spent about a third of that sum on the project .

  5. 丽贝卡·斯奈德(RebeccaSnyder)是亚特兰大动物园大熊猫研究馆的馆长,那里的洋洋和雌性熊猫伦伦吸引了很多游客,这两只熊猫从出生开始就成了研究人员的研究对象。

    Rebecca Snyder is the curator of giant panda research at Zoo Atlanta where Yang Yang and his female counterpart Lun Lun are big attractions , both were closely studied from the moment they were born .

  6. 在美国,一些动物园有拍摄大熊猫活动的摄像头,包括圣地亚哥、亚特兰大、孟菲斯,还有华盛顿的国家动物园最近刚刚升级的熊猫馆。

    In the U.S. , panda cams can be found at several zoos , including San Diego , Atlanta , Memphis and the recently upgraded feed at the National Zoo in Washington , D.C.

  7. 动物园的商业运营主任GaryWilson表示自大熊猫来这里安家后,跳岩企鹅就对它们表示出了极大的兴趣,每天都会饶有兴趣地盯着熊猫馆。

    Gary Wilson , director of business operations at the zoo said the birds have been particularly interested in the pandas ever since they arrived at their new home .