
  • 网络Leipzig Zoo;Zoo Leipzig;Leipzig Zoological Garden
  1. 德国莱比锡动物园一只名叫海蒂的小负鼠是“对眼儿”而成为新兴网络明星,它在facebook上拥有6.5万名“粉丝”。

    A cross-eyed opossum called Heidi , who is being housed in Leipzig Zoo of Germany , has already become a new net star , and attracted more than 65000 fans on Facebook .

  2. 莱比锡动物园发表一项声明称:Heidi,我们的斗鸡眼负鼠已经于今日早上永远地闭上了双眼。

    Leipzig Zoo released a statement saying : Heidi , our cross-eyed opossum , has closed her eyes forever today .

  3. 2010年5月,海蒂姐妹被动物保护人士带到德国,在莱比锡动物园安家。

    Then she was brought to Germany in May by animal protectors and has settled down in Leipzig Zoo .

  4. 德国莱比锡动物园周三宣布,因斗鸡眼而出名的可爱负鼠在健康状况日益恶化的情况下被执行安乐死。

    An opossum that gained worldwide fame for its comedic cross-eyed looks has been put to sleep after its health deteriorated , Leipzig Zoo said Wednesday .

  5. 在美国电视节目“吉米•基梅尔聊天秀”中,德国莱比锡动物园的对眼负鼠海蒂通过视频连线预测了奥斯卡评选结果。

    Heidi appeared via videolink from her zoo in Leipzig , Germany , on " Jimmy Kimmel Live !", the US television show , to " select " her favoured candidate .

  6. 海蒂约2岁半,当初被遗弃在美国北卡罗来纳州的一家动物园收养所门口,去年5月时被转移到德国莱比锡动物园。

    Heidi is thought to be2 and a half years old , and was abandoned outside an animal shelter in North Carolina , the US and has been in Leipzig zoo since May , 2010 .

  7. 在莱比锡动物园,科学家们把如葡萄、蕉片、物玩具等奖品放入空木头、鸟窝或者人造空石头里面。

    At the Leipzig Zoo , the scientists hid rewards such as grapes , banana slices or toy animals under either a hollow piece of wood , an imitation bird 's nest or an artificial hollow rock .

  8. 莱比锡动物园表示,海蒂的“对眼儿”可能是因为饮食问题。此前它曾经被遗弃;也有可能因为现在的海蒂体重超重,其眼部周围脂肪过多而导致“对眼儿”。

    Zoo officials say they believe the creature 's eye problem could be related to the diet she had before being abandoned , or because she is overweight , which can lead to fat deposits around the eyes .

  9. 据悉,海蒂今年两岁半,此前曾和姐姐奈拉一同被遗弃在美国北卡罗来纳州的一家动物收容所外。自今年5月起,海蒂一直生活在德国莱比锡动物园。

    Heidi is thought to be two and a half years old , and was abandoned outside an animal shelter in North Carolina in the United States , together with her sister Naira , and has been at Leipzig Zoo since May .