
  • 网络Excessive hormones;hormonosis
  1. 表观盐皮质类固醇激素过多综合征的研究进展

    The advances in research of apparent mineralocorticoid excess

  2. 早已知道不论内源性或医源性,肾上腺皮质激素过多均可引起缺钾。

    Whether endogenous or iatrogenic , excesses of adrenocortical hormones have long been known to be associated with potassium deficiency .

  3. 因此,需要有效的筛选试验从非特定的,有可能合并同皮质激素过多相关疾病的高风险流动患者中鉴定少数未被发现的患者。

    Therefore , efficient screening tests are needed to identify the few uncovered patients also among unselected high-risk ambulatory patients with disorders potentially related to cortisol excess .

  4. 糖皮质激素分泌过多常导致骨质丢失和骨骼的生长发育紊乱。

    Excess glucocorticoid induced bone loss and the disorder of bone development .

  5. 脑功能和脑血流动力学的改变与甲状腺激素分泌过多有关。

    The changes of the brain function and cerebral blood flow dynamics are closely correlated with the thyroxin hypersecretion .

  6. 促肾上腺皮质激素分泌过多而引起的腺病,结果造成肾上腺功能超出正常水平;突出症状是肥胖。

    A glandular disorder caused by excessive ACTH resulting in greater than normal functioning of the adrenal gland ; characterized by obesity .

  7. 多囊症的症状至少在一定程度上是因为雄激素(指包括睾丸激素在内的一系列激素)过多。

    The symptoms of PCOS are at least in part due to excess androgens , the family of hormones to which testosterone belongs .

  8. 但科学家仍在试图明确究竟是什么地方出了问题。多囊症的症状至少在一定程度上是因为雄激素(指包括睾丸激素在内的一系列激素)过多。

    But scientists are still trying to determine exactly what goes wrong . The symptoms of PCOS are at least in part due to excess androgens , the family of hormones to which testosterone belongs .

  9. 另外,蓄养肉类、饮用水、塑料制品、避孕药中均含大量合成激素,摄入过多也会导致体内雌性激素水平飙升。

    Women may also be exposed to too much oestrogen because they ingest high levels of the synthetic versions of the hormone in some farmed meats , water or residues from chemicals in plastics and water or from taking the contraceptive pill .

  10. 激素分泌不平衡,尤其是雄性激素分泌过多也会导致头发稀疏。

    A hormone imbalance , especially too much of the male hormone androgen , can also result in thinning hair .