
yì yuán xìnɡ
  • heterology
  1. 截止目前,NK细胞的异源性反应在TRIM中的作用研究尚无文献报道。

    Up to now , there is no report about the role of the alloreactivity of NK cells in TRIM .

  2. 结论在MOR和OTR质粒共转染CHO细胞及大鼠脑组织中存在异源性MOR和OTR二聚体。

    Conclusion The heterodimers of MOR and OTR exist in the cotransfected CHO cells and brain tissues .

  3. BDA应用于听觉皮质后,标记的胼胝体轴突见于对侧听觉和视觉皮质(即同源性和异源性胼胝体轴突)。

    Following BDA placement in auditory cortex , callosal axons to both auditory ( homotopic callosal axons ) and visual ( heterotopic callosal axons ) cortex were observed .

  4. 异源性双原发癌16例分析

    Clinical analysis of multiple primary cancers : a report of 16 cases

  5. 利用异源性饲养细胞建立人抗原特异性T淋巴细胞克隆

    Establishment of human allergen-specific T-cell clones using allogenic peripheral blood monouclear cells as feeding cells

  6. 伴异源性成分的周围神经鞘膜肿瘤

    Peripheral nerve sheath tumor with divergent differentiation

  7. 逆转录病毒载体介导人载脂蛋白与卵磷脂胆固醇酰基转移酶基因在骨骼肌的异源性共表达

    Ectopic Co-Expression of Human Apolipoprotein AI and Lecithin Cholesterol Acyltransferase in Mice Skeletal Muscle Cells Introduced by Retroviral Vectors

  8. 对抗体异源性的改造经历了人&鼠嵌合抗体、人源化抗体和基因文库技术使人型抗体的生产走向可能。

    Reforming of the heterogeneity of murine antibody has expressed human-mouse chimerical antibody , humanized antibody and gene library technology .

  9. 用单溶试验检出登革热病人血清的同源性和异源性抗体的初步报告

    Preliminary report on the development of homologous and heterologous antibodies in dengue virus infection in man revealed by single radial hemolysis test

  10. 并显示有同源性抗原抗体反应强于异源性抗原抗体反应的趋势。

    However , the reactions produced by the infected animals to the homologous antigens were stronger than those to the heterogenous ones .

  11. 随着对运用Ⅴ型分泌系统在G-菌表面展示异源性多肽/蛋白质的深入研究,该系统在生物技术领域已展示出巨大的应用前景。

    Several investigations have also highlighted the potential biotechnological exploitation of the type ⅴ secretion system , namely by displaying heterologous proteins on the bacterial surface .

  12. 在此基础上进行了质量传递敏感度分析,为确定制造网络中质量关键件、异源性问题分析提供有效的方法。

    Furthermore , multilevel quality transferring sensitivities models are developed , which provide an efficient method for identification of critical quality parts and analysis of the different variance sources in the network .

  13. 这是否包括异源多倍性还是同源多倍性将都不考虑。

    Whether this involves allopolyploidy or autopolyploidy will not be considered .