
  1. 沙鲁尔杖是苏美尔神话中一把会说话的权杖,它的主人是尼努尔塔。

    Sharur was the mace of the Sumerian god Ninurta and possessed the ability to speak .

  2. 尼努尔塔虽然在第一次战斗中失败了,但是他利用沙鲁尔杖成功收到父亲恩利尔的战略建议,最终赢得胜利杀死了恶魔。

    The god triumphed over his enemy , falling in their first battle but ultimately killing the demon . Ninurta succeed after using Sharur to receive council from his father , the god Enlil .

  3. 沙鲁尔杖除了会说话之外,还能离开尼努尔塔飞行,为他搜集情报,给他出谋划策对抗劲敌。

    Not only could Sharur talk , it was also sentient , offering the god advice on powerful enemies , gathering information wherever it could . Sharur was able to do this because it could also fly , leaving Ninurta to deal with other issues .