
  • 网络European ethnic groups;Ethnic groups in Europe
  1. 加泰罗尼亚人(catalans)和其他心怀不满的欧洲民族将视苏格兰独立为他们自己建立独立国家的先声。

    The Catalans , among other disaffected European groups , see Scottish independence as a harbinger of their own bid for nationhood .

  2. 欧洲民族共和思想探源

    EUROPE A Study of the Origin of the European Republican Thoughts

  3. 他们是古时候早在罗马人出现前就定居于大不列颠岛的欧洲民族。

    They were an ancient European people who settled in Britain even before the Romans existed .

  4. 文章既分析了欧洲民族文化多样性的静态原因也分析了动态原因;

    Article analyses Europe national culture diversified static reason , and analyses the dynamic reason too ;

  5. 它不是同一个民族而是由许多欧洲民族组成的多民族。

    Instead of a homogeneous people , it is a melting pot composed of many European nationalities .

  6. 第三部分是欧洲民族的早期活动和国家社会。

    Chapter Three is on the early stage of ethno-national process and the society in European states .

  7. 在罗马以前的时代中,占居在英国、西班牙和高卢的欧洲民族的人。

    A member of a European people who occupied Britain and Spain and Gaul in pre-Roman times .

  8. 重商主义的嵌入性分析&以欧洲民族国家建设时期为例

    The Analysis on the Embeddedness of Mercantilism : Take the Era of European Nation-State Building as an Example

  9. 哈贝马斯在这篇文章中概述了欧洲民族国家面对全球化的压力,存在着四种回应。

    Habermas sums up the four kinds of possible reaction of European national countries toward the trend of globalization .

  10. 市场准入自由化政策打破了欧洲民族国家的市场界线,使欧洲保险公司面对的市场规模豁然开朗,大型保险公司开始在欧盟范围内开拓业务,通过规模经济降低成本;

    The liberalization of market entry broke the border of European nations and confront the European insurance undertakings with a wider market scale .

  11. 民族国家把民族的文化属性和国家的权力特征结合在一起,是欧洲民族发展到一定阶段的产物。

    The nation-states , combining together the cultural attributes of nations and the feature of power of states , were born when European nations entered a certain stage .

  12. 欧洲民族过程是指在欧洲及其相关地区发生的民族群体运动,而欧洲一体化就是欧洲民族过程特殊性的产物。

    European ethno-national process refers to the massive national campaigns in Europe and the connected areas , whereas European integration is a special product of European ethno-national process .

  13. 本文以欧洲民族过程与欧洲一体化为题,主要分析论述二者之间的关系,探讨的主题是欧洲民族过程对欧洲一体化的孕育和欧洲一体化对欧洲民族过程的推进。

    This dissertation , entitled as " The Ethno-National Process and European Integration ", mainly analyzes the relationship between the two and discusses how they enhance each other .

  14. 在西欧民族国家成长的同时,欧洲民族的海外扩张从根本上影响了世界其他地区的民族过程。

    With the growth of nation-states in West Europe , the foreign expansion of European nations exerted important influence on the ethno-national process in other areas of the globe .

  15. 在近代文明崛起之前,欧洲民族发展的区域不平衡已经出现,西部欧洲的文化基础在民族过程里奠定。

    Before the rise of modern civilization , there had appeared disproportionate national developments in different European areas with the cultural foundation in West Europe being first set up in the ethno-national process .

  16. 这一政策的理论基础是迪尔克的种族帝国思想,现实动因则是随着欧洲民族国家的建立,大英帝国的霸权面临严峻的挑战。

    The development of this policy depends originally on Dilke 's racial empire ideology , yet its realistic reason rests on the challenges faced by the British Empire accompanying the emergence of European nation-states .

  17. 到14世纪,全欧洲民族语言兴起,英国封建主义经济发展,英语地位也大大提高,终于出现了书面的英语文学。

    By the time of the14th century , there was across Europe a general upsurge of national languages , the feudalistic economy of England developed , English rapidly rose in importance , and a written English literature emerged .

  18. 匈奴人充当了欧洲民族大迁徙的主角,去和西方文明发生碰撞,灭亡了西罗马帝国。

    The Hans went to play the major part in the great migration of the European peoples , to collide with the western civilization and to tear apart the West Roman Empire which was then at its last gasp .

  19. 文章认为,在历史沉浮与现实需求的背景下,共和是欧洲民族从共同利益走向共同体的历史根源和必然趋势,同时也是世界历史向着多元均衡方向和谐发展的重要依据。

    The article holds that the origin and trend of Republican thoughts historically was for the European nations to move from common beneficial to community , which was an essential basis of the world history development to the orientation of balance and harmony .

  20. 该政策得到了欧洲各民族的广泛支持。

    The policy was widely supported by the peoples of Europe .

  21. 新法西斯主义团体是对欧洲少数民族的日益增长的威胁。

    Neo-fascist groups are an increasing threat to ethnic minorities across europe .

  22. 在欧洲很多民族混居在一起而无明显的种族,语青和宗教界限。

    Many peoples live together in Europe without clearly defined boundaries between ethnic , linguistic and religious communities .

  23. 在千百年分散聚合的历史进程中,共和思想对于欧洲诸多民族始终具有强大的凝聚力。

    Republican thoughts have great cohesive force to the European nations in the process of many years of division and reunion .

  24. 十九世纪时期,欧洲的民族解放运动此起彼伏,因此,这一时期的民族民间音乐有着不同的意义。

    The national liberation movements in Europe were gaining momentum in the 19th centuries . Therefore national music had a different meaning during this period .

  25. 它们共同激励着欧洲各民族越来越多的阶层行动起来,并赋予这些阶层以世界上任何地区都无法与之相比的推动力和凝聚力。

    Together they galvanized into action broader and broader strata of the peoples of Europe , giving them a dynamism and a cohesiveness unequaled in any other portion of the globe .

  26. 本论文试图认真以芬兰为例辨析欧洲各个民族与国家对中国的理解和认识,研究其具体的历史过程和文化特点,真正总结出欧洲各个不同国家自身对中国文化接受的规律和特点。

    This dissertation attempts to clarify these differences with an in-depth analysis of specific history and culture . So we can really excavate the characteristics and pattern of different European nation cognizing and understanding China .

  27. 试析欧洲认同与民族认同的关系

    On the Relationship between European Identity and National Identities

  28. 欧洲保护少数民族公约

    European Convention for the Protection of National Minorities

  29. 在4世纪侵略欧洲的游牧民族的一支。

    A member of a nomadic people who invaded Europe in the 4th century .

  30. 维吾尔族是我国各民族中唯一使用三种音乐体系(中国、波斯一阿拉伯、欧洲)的民族。

    In China , Uygur is the only nationality absorbing the three kinds of musical systems , that is , Chinese , Persian-Arabian and European musical systems .