
  • 网络Samet;Asami Ishikawa
  1. “它让有很大的意义,”沙美评论。

    " It makes a lot of sense ," Samet commented .

  2. 不过,沙美关系至今已经有70多年的历史。

    Yet , Saudi-American relations has lasted more than seventy years .

  3. 2001年的9·11事件和2003年4月的伊拉克战争使沙美关系备受波折。

    Sept 11 incident in 2001 and the Iraq war in 2003 have damaged this relationship .

  4. 沙美的乔纳森玩具内幕知名度,作出了贡献,2009年对玩具的趋势他的想法。

    Jonathan Samet , of the Toy Insider fame , has contributed his thoughts towards the Toy Trends for2009 .