
  1. 我有个朋友叫蒙提·罗伯兹,他在圣思多罗(SanYsidro)有座牧马场。

    I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro .

  2. 威斯康星州贝尔维尔——从这里的奶牛养殖场、玉米地和牧马场开车过去,你最终会到达凯特机械及焊接厂,这是吉恩和洛瑞·凯特(GeneandLoriCate)以及他们的儿子经营的一个小镇家庭企业。

    BELLEVILLE , Wis . - Drive past the dairy farms , cornfields and horse pastures here and you will eventually arrive at Cate Machine & Welding , a small-town business run by Gene and Lori Cate and their sons .

  3. 但是查利却有别的想法。他建议在我父母的地皮上开一个牧马场。

    But Charlie HAD other ideas : He suggested that we start a horse ranch on my parents'land instead .