
  • 网络chlordane;trans-Chlordane
  1. 氯丹和灭蚁灵属于持久性有机污染物(POPs),在环境中难降解,对人体健康危害的潜在风险很大。

    Chlordane and mirex are persistent organic pollutants ( POPs ) which are recalcitrant in the environment and pose high risk to human health .

  2. 表层土壤中氯丹、1,2-二氯乙烷平均浓度最高。

    The contamination of chlordane and 1,2-dichloroethane was mainly in surface soil .

  3. 埋地C(90)型塑板汽化氯丹土壤预防家白蚁的效果测试

    The Test on the Effect of C_ ( 90 ) Plastics Plate beneath the ground to Prevent Termite

  4. 结果显示,FDG摄取和平均炎症程度的相关性更加密切(由氯丹染色的平均百分比测量)。

    The correlation was even stronger between FDG uptake and mean inflammation ( as measured by mean percentage of CD68 staining ), the results indicate .

  5. 氯丹在堤坝白蚁防治中的应用效果浅析

    Application results of Chlorizate Pellet to the protection of dikes and dams

  6. 氯丹蘸根预防土栖白蚁试验

    The test of preventing termite in the soil by chlordane

  7. 氯丹在新建房屋预防白蚁危害的评价

    Appraisal of Chlordane in the Effect of Prevention to Termite for New Houses

  8. 艾氏剂和氯丹都是重要的杀虫剂。

    Both aldrin and chlordan are valuable insecticides .

  9. 探讨职业性接触氯丹、含砷化合物灭蚁药物对作业人员肝功能水平的影响。

    To explore the level of liver function damage in workers exposed to the termite control drugs .

  10. 氯丹对健康影响的最新研究

    Chlordane health studies update

  11. 氯霉素、氯丹、克仑特罗、己烯雌酚等药物的限量值与我国标准一致,另有18种美国已经制定残留限量标准而我国尚未制定的药物品种尤其值得我国相关出口企业的关注。

    Drugs maximum residue limits , such as chloramphenicol , chlordane , clenbuterol and diethylstilbestrol are consistent with our standards .

  12. 重点针对两种持久性有机污染物-氯丹和灭蚁灵的环境污染问题探讨其治理措施和处置方法。

    Focusing on the pollution caused by two POPs-chlordane and mirex , this paper discussed the control measures and disposal methods .

  13. 氯丹汽化沙壤土对家白蚁有明显的抗拒效果和强烈的杀伤能力,致使白蚁在72小时内死亡85%。

    The sandy earth with vaporized Chlordane has the ability to control the termite excavation and kilI 85 % of them within 72 hours .

  14. 选择丙酮为溶剂,用紫外分光光度法测定六氯环戊二烯的含量,再折算出工业氯丹的大致含量。

    Choosing acetone as the solvent , we determined that content by ultraviolet spectrometry , and then calculated roughly the content of this industrial chlordane .

  15. 体内免疫球蛋白的水平与血清氯丹和尿砷含量呈负相关。

    Smoking and drinking could affect the levels , and all the immunoglobulins inversely correlated with the concentration of chlordane in serum and arsenic in urine .

  16. 它们将会为实现消除持久性有机污染物氯丹和灭蚁灵带来有益的经验,不仅有益于中国,也有益于全体面临类似挑战的《斯德哥尔摩公约》签约国家。

    They will generate useful lessons for complete elimination of PCBs , chlordane and mirex not only in China but in all other Stockholm Convention countries facing similar challenges .

  17. 3组研究对象分别选择来自本省某白蚁防治所的白蚁防治人员、某农药厂生产砷药物和生产氯丹的工人,共216名。

    A total of 216 subjects were selected from the staff who were termite control lers of some termite control institute , workers produce arsenic drug and chlordane of some pesticide factory .

  18. 在植物毒性试验中,同一浓度下,氯丹和灭蚁灵对4种植物种子根伸长抑制率均明显大于对种子发芽的抑制率,植物根对有机污染物的生态毒性比种子发芽敏感。

    From the plant toxicity tests , results showed that under the same concentrations of chlordane or mirex in soil , root elongation rates were more significantly inhibited than seed germination rates in all four types of plants .

  19. 化学药剂和施放毒饵是红火蚁防治中最常用的措施,随着氯丹和灭蚁灵的消减与淘汰,这两种措施需要调整和改进。

    Chemical solution and applying bait are the main measures for red imported fire ant in last year . However , as the reduction and elimination of chlordane and mirex , these two measures should be adjusted and improved according to the property of alternative chemicals .

  20. 对象:该研究于2002-01/2003-12在原江苏省职业病防治院职业病科和毒化实验室完成。接触组分设为白蚁防治组、砷药物生产组和氯丹生产组。

    PARTICIPANTS : The study was performed in the original Department of Occupational Diseases , Toxic and Chemical Laboratory , Jiangsu Hospital of Prevention and Treatment for Occupational Disease from January 2002 and December 2003.Contact groups were termite control group , arsenic producing group and chlordane producing group .