
yǎng huà céng
  • oxide layer;oxidation layer;oxide coating
氧化层[yǎng huà céng]
  1. CO对金属铀表面氧化层影响研究

    Study on the influence of carbon monoxide to the surface oxide layer of uranium metal

  2. SiC在氧化层中氧化并形成玻璃纤维,使氧化层的组分变为Al2O3-Cr2O3-SiO2系。

    In the oxide layer , SiC is oxided into SiO 2 and forms glass fiber .

  3. 沟道大电流感应n沟金属-氧化物-半导体场效应晶体管栅氧化层的加速击穿

    Channel-Current-Induced Gate-Oxide Breakdown Acceleration in N-Channel MOSFET 's

  4. 其在Si片表面生成的多孔结构氧化层有利于键合。

    The oxide layer with porous structure is propitious to bonding .

  5. 连续波CO2激光退火消除硅中氧化层错的研究

    Investigation on elimination of oxidation stacking faults in silicon by CW CO_2 laser annealing

  6. SiCp/ZL109铝基复合材料微弧氧化层的微观组织特征

    Microstructure characterization of micro-arc oxidation treated SiC_p / ZL109 aluminum matrix composites

  7. 在SEM下观察了高铝氧化层的微观结构。

    Then we have observed the microstructure of the high aluminum oxidized layer through SEM .

  8. 得出随x值增加,锗片表面氧化层中各个单元基团相对含量和结合能的变化曲线。

    As x value in GeO_x increased , relative contents and binding energies of five different sub-units were calculated .

  9. 该氧化层由Ti、Si和Fe的氧化物组成,具有显著的减摩作用。

    The oxide layer consisted of Ti , Si and Fe oxides , which has a significant antifriction effect .

  10. 用AES及椭偏仪研究硅上超薄氧化层

    Study of the Ultrathin Oxide Layer on Silicon by AES and Ellipsometry

  11. 采用XRD、SEM及EDS分析了氧化层的结构和组成。

    The structure and components of the oxidation layer were analyzed by XRD , SEM and EDS.

  12. 高铝AlxGa(1-x)As氧化层对垂直腔面发射激光器的影响

    Effect of High Aluminum AlGaAs Oxidized Layers on Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers

  13. Si3N4陶瓷表面氧化层组成的EPMA分析

    Epma on the Composition of the Si_3N_4 Surface Oxidation Layer

  14. Nd靶表面氧化层的情况对实验结果有着十分重要的意义。

    The surface oxidation of Nd target is significant to the stability of the results in the X-ray experiment .

  15. AlAs氧化层的Raman研究

    The Raman Study of AlAs Oxidation Layers

  16. 氧化层的出现还提高了临界压力,而且与SiC颗粒一样也可以作为共晶硅相的形核衬底。

    As the same as not oxidized SiC particles , the reaction layer can also become the substrate for heterogeneous nucleation .

  17. 通过显微镜、扫描电镜的观察和X射线射衍物相分析,确定了实验合金表面氧化层的主要物相。

    The phase species of oxide scales on the tested alloys were determined by a microscope , a scanning microscope and especially the X-ray diffraction analysis .

  18. 利用建立的程序模拟计算了两种不同氧化层厚度的MIS隧道器件的电流-电压特性。

    The current-voltage ( I-V ) characteristics for MIS tunnel diodes with thin and thick oxide are calculated using the prog-ram .

  19. 随着栅极氧化层越来越薄,CD线宽越来越窄,离子注入工艺中的金属污染成为离子注入工艺中最重要和急需解决的污染问题。

    Thinner the gate oxide is , narrower the CD is , more important and urgent the metal contamination in ion implantation process is .

  20. 表面氧化层对Hg(1-x)CdxTe霍耳数据的影响

    The effect of surface layer oxide on hg_ ( 1-x ) cd_xte hall data

  21. 利用EPMA和XRD的分析方法,研究了Si_3N_4-Al_2O_3-ZrO_2系陶瓷材料表面氧化层组成。

    The composition of surface oxidation layer Of Si_3N_4-Al_2O_3-ZrO_2 ceramics has been investi-gated with EPMA and XRD .

  22. 氟化处理工艺对TiAl合金氧化层组织的影响

    The effect of fluorine treatment processes on the structure of the oxidation layer of TiAl alloy

  23. 这是因为所有影响CMOS器件1/f噪声的因素都分布在栅氧化层-硅界面附近。

    This is because all factors which affect CMOS device 1 / f noise are distributed in the gate oxide-silicon interface nearby .

  24. 通过能量守恒方程计算注入到氧化层中的平均电子能量,根据计算出的电子能量可以解释SHE注入和FN隧穿注入的根本不同。

    The average electron energy injected into oxide can be calculated by using the energy-conservation equation .

  25. 黄铁矿表面次生色的变化取决于表面氧化层的厚度及其中Fe(Ⅲ)O组分、单质硫的相对含量。

    The secondary surficial color depends on the depth of an oxidized layer and the contents of Fe (ⅲ) O ingredient and native sulfur in the layer .

  26. 研究不同类型、不同沟道长度的n沟金属-氧化物-半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET)在不同栅电压下工作时栅氧化层的击穿特性。

    This work extensively examines gate-oxide breakdown behaviors of n-MOSFET 's including both enhancement-type and depletion-type devices with various channel lengths under different operating conditions .

  27. 通过改变XPS探测掠角,对硅表面的氧化层和富锗氧化硅表层薄膜样品进行非破坏性深度剖析测量,得到了有意义的结果。

    The surfaces of silica on silicon and germanium-rich silica studied by one of the non-destructive depth profilings , take-off angle dependent XPS .

  28. 阐述了应用于EEPROM中的超薄隧道氧化层随时间的击穿特性。

    The time dependent dielectric breakdown of tunneling oxide used for EEPROM ′ s is investigated .

  29. 报道了表面氧化层对Hg(1-x)CdxTe霍耳数据影响的实验研究结果。

    The experimental studies of the effect of surface oxide layer on Hg_ ( 1-x ) Cd_xTe Hall data are reported .

  30. 同时应用椭圆偏振测量术的多角入射法对Cr薄膜氧化层的厚度进行了测定,讨论了退火温度和退火时间对其氧化的影响。

    The oxidation thickness on Cr film is determined by multiple angle incidence ( MAI ) ellipsometry . The oxidation of Cr film affected by annealed temperatures and times is discussed .