
mín zú zhèn xiàn
  • national front
  1. 他还曾就职于民族阵线全国执行委员会。

    He also served on the National Front 's national executive committee

  2. 民族阵线是英国极端右翼政党组织。

    The national front is an extremely right-wing political party in britain .

  3. 第一章主要论述了捷克斯洛伐克反德民族阵线的形成。

    The first chapter focuses on the establishment of the Czechoslovakia National Front .

  4. 在捷克斯洛伐克反德民族阵线的形成中,苏联起了非常重要的作用。

    In the of establishment Czechoslovakia anti-Germany National Front , the Soviet Union played a very important role .

  5. 来自于民族阵线党马琳·勒庞的不断上升的威胁现在看来也显得停滞了。

    The rising threat from the National Front 's Marine Le Pen seems , at least for now , to have reached a plateau .

  6. 捷克斯洛伐克民族阵线政府的建立和分裂为我们理解后来的布拉格之春,甚至为我们理解东欧剧变提供了一条有益的线索。了解这一段历史有着重要的意义。

    Establishment and split of Czechoslovakia National Front Government provides a useful clue for understanding the Prague Spring , even the upheaval of Eastern Europe . To understand this period of history is of important .

  7. 西方媒体是基于和美国中央情报局资助了一个被训练应该大量的报道以事实为流亡的集体民族阵线这救恩利比亚。

    The Western media are basing a great deal of their reporting on supposed facts provided by the exile group National Front for the Salvation of Libya , which was trained and financed by the U.

  8. 民族救亡阵线已经组织了示威,以此回击反对派的一系列活动。

    The National Salvation Front has already replied to this series of opposition moves with its own demonstrations .

  9. 温哥华解放阵线是根据越南民族解放阵线(nationalliberationfrontofvietnam)命名的,我们当时和他们是有联系的。

    The Vancouver Liberation Front was named after the national liberation front of Vietnam , with whom we had contacts .

  10. 我该说需要钱来推翻Sandinista(尼加拉瓜桑地诺民族解放阵线)

    I should 've said I needed the money to overthrow the Sandinista .

  11. 高棉人民民族解放阵线

    National Front for the Liberation of the Khmer People

  12. 民族解放阵线还在和布隆迪政府打内战。

    The FNL is still fighting a civil war with the Burundian government .

  13. 索马里海岸民族解放阵线;

    National Front for the liberation of Somali coast ;

  14. 柬埔寨救国民族团结阵线

    National United Front of National Salvation of Cambodia

  15. 民族强硬阵线首脑会议

    Summit Conference of the National Front of Steadfastness

  16. 罗马尼亚救国阵线委员会几内亚比绍争取民族独立阵线

    Council of the National Salvation Front of Romania

  17. 桑迪若民族解放阵线家喻户晓的传奇故事已经变质。

    The world 's romance with his Sandinista National Liberation Front ( FSLN ) has soured .

  18. 科西嘉民族解放阵线

    The Corsica Corsican National Liberation Front

  19. 在长达一个多小时的听证中,希比耶说,他和奥加登民族解放阵线的接触,只限于新闻专业性质。

    During more than an hour of testimony , Schibbye said his contact with the ONLF was strictly professional .

  20. 满世界都是有关这件事的报道,我们竟然真的收到了来自越南民族解放阵线的消息,称赞我们的行动。

    Reports went around the world and we actually got a message from the national liberation front of Vietnam praising us .

  21. 桑地诺民族解放阵线组织和政府模糊的界限使得奥尔特加先生支持度的衡量很难。

    The blurring of the line between the FSLN and the state makes it hard to gauge Mr Ortega 's true level of support .

  22. 一九八○年四月二十一日会见阿尔及利亚民族解放阵线代表团时的谈话

    Talk with the delegation from the Party of the National Liberation Front of the Democratic People 's Republic of Algeria , April 21 , 1980

  23. 联合国儿童基金会说,这些少年中包括一名女孩,他们被一个从布隆迪反政府组织民族解放阵线分离出去的持不同意见的组织所扣押。

    UNICEF says the children , including one girl , were being held by a dissident group that broke with the rebel National Liberation Front .

  24. 他在事业初期为民族解放阵线所做的工作帮助催生了一个国家的独立,可现在却要为一个把另一个国家带进杀戳场的力量做辩护。

    His work for the FLN at the beginning of his career helped midwife the independence of one country , but now he is defending a movement that turned another into a charnel .

  25. 委内瑞拉能源和石油部长拉米雷斯在10月25号申明,在马那瓜,情况是视不断持续的“革命”&这一为桑地诺民族解放阵线成员明显亲睐的情况而定的。

    On October25th Rafael Ram í rez , Venezuela 's energy minister , said in Managua that the deal was contingent on continued " revolution " & a heavy hint in favour of the FSLN .

  26. 但是,他强调,他的政党是反对党,曾经支持摩根·茨万吉拉伊的民主变革运动的需求。他说希望穆加贝的非洲民族联盟爱国阵线(ZANU-PF)能够对这些需求做出积极反应。

    But he underlined that his group , as an opposition party , supported the demands of Tsvangirai 's Movement for Democratic Change ( MDC ) , and he said he hoped Mr. Mugabe 's ZANU-PF party would respond positively to these demands .

  27. 这次听证会几度被自称是“青少年财富”的非洲民族联盟爱国阵线团体所打断。

    The hearing was disrupted several times by a ZANU-PF-aligned group calling themselves Wealth to the Youth .

  28. 第四个申请公司是国有的津巴布韦新闻社,它出版了“先驱报”来宣扬总统穆加比的非洲民族联盟爱国阵线。

    And the last is the state-owned Zimbabwe Papers group which publishes The Herald , a newspaper aligned to President Mugabe 's ZANU-PF .

  29. 他的讲话发表在上周的支持民族同盟-爱国阵线派报纸《星期日邮报》(SundayMail)上。对穆加贝,民族同盟-爱国阵线同事以及他们控制的一些公司的制裁在2002年津巴布韦暴力选举后实施。

    In The sanctions on Mr. Mugabe , his colleagues in ZANU-PF and some companies they control were d in 2002 , following violent Zimbabwe elections .

  30. 自从津巴布韦1980年脱离英国独立以来,津巴布韦非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线一直在议会中占多数。

    ZANU-PF has held the majority in parliament since independence from Britain in1980 .