
chéng huā
  • Orange flower;flores aurantii
橙花[chéng huā]
  1. 这款香水的愉悦花香来自橙花,它的变调明显而没有侵略性。

    It 's fun and floral thanks to orange blossom and the scent develops in a way that 's noticeable without being invasive .

  2. 功效:蕴含天然橙花萃取精华,性质温和,深层洁净毛孔,平衡肌肤PH值,令肌肤回复光泽、水润。

    Efficacy : Contains orange blossom essence , can in depth clean pore , balance PH value of skin , let skin restore luster and moistening .

  3. 首先,建立了HPLC测定香丹注射液中指标成分香草醛和橙花叔醇的分析方法,结果表明该方法具有良好的准确性和可重复性,加样回收率符合要求。

    An HPLC assay was developed and validated for the analysis of vanillin and nerolidol and the results showed that the assay exhibited excellent specificity , repeatability and reproducibility .

  4. 在加入了橙花和铃兰之后,Philosophy的LivingGrace(售价32英镑)就像新洗过的床单一样让人放松,而Diptyque的L’EauduTrente-Quatre(售价60英镑起)则是充分混合了佛手柑、马鞭草、肉豆蔻和麝香。

    With the addition of neroli and lily of the valley , Philosophy 's Living Grace ( £ 32 ) calls to mind slipping between freshly washed sheets , while Diptyque 's L'Eau du Trente-Quatre ( from £ 60 ) takes the luminosity of bergamot and verbena and then spices it up with skin-hugging nutmeg and musk .

  5. 橙花醇、乙酸顺-3-己烯酯等9种组分含量减少;

    Nerol , cis 3 hexenyl acetate etc. nine compounds ( decreased );

  6. 橙花叔醇植物资源及利用的研究

    Study on the plant resources of nerolidol and their uses

  7. 松节油和松香催化深度加工合成系列精细化工产品的研究和开发&(Ⅳ)乙酸橙花酯和乙酸香叶酯的合成

    Research and Development on Synthesis of Series Fine Chemicals from Rosin and Turpentine

  8. 他给的那枚雕刻着盛开橙花的戒指

    He gave to me an orange blossom ring

  9. 我猜是橙花香精。

    Orange blossom , I believe .

  10. 橙花和豆蔻的阵阵香气

    Odours of orange-flowers and spice

  11. 橙花瑞香是一种常见的常绿灌木植物,主要分布于中国的云南和四川。

    Daphne aurantiaca Diels is a common evergreen shrub native to Yunnan and Sichuan provinces in China .

  12. 橙花曾是一种在古代大量用于给木乃伊涂香油的精油。

    Neroli was once an oil heavily used in embalming those who were mummified in ancient times .

  13. 香叶醇和橙花醇的合成是以月桂烯为原料,月桂烯可由脂松节油中的β-蒎烯热异构而得到。

    Myrcene which was obtained from β - pinene in gum turpentine by heat isomerization was used as raw material .

  14. 口感新鲜清香,带有一种奇异的花香和带有橙花、甜杏和桃子的果香。

    Fresh and spicy , offering exotic floral and fruit aromas reminiscent of orange blossoms , honeyed apricots and peaches .

  15. 主要成分为α-蒎烯,β-蒎烯,β-顺式罗勒烯,茵陈炔及橙花叔醇。

    Among them , the main compounds are α - pinene , β - pinene , sabinene , capillene and nerolidol .

  16. 蕴涵深海海藻和法国橙花提取液及透明质酸,能修护受损肌肤,给肌肤深层补充活力。

    Contain deep-sea seaweed and French Orange Blossom extract and hyaluronic acid , can repair damaged skin , and replenish skin vigor deeply .

  17. 由橙花叔醇、香叶基衍生物和其它多种原料经不同的化学反应手段,可以合成金合欢醇。

    Farnesol can be synthesized by different chemical means from different materials , such as , nerolidol , geranyl derivatives or other ( compounds ) .

  18. 玫瑰、橙花、熏衣草或者天竺葵纯露都是理想的选择,因为它们还可以给肌肤带来意想不到的调理效果。

    Hydrosols such as Rose , Orange Blossom , Geranium or Lavender are excellent for this job because they are totally natural and bring great skin-conditioning benefits .

  19. 主要介绍蒎烯、双戊烯、香茅醛、柠檬醛、香叶醇和橙花醇等萜类化合物的加氢催化剂种类及其工艺条件。

    The review focuses on the different catalysts and craft on the hydrogenation of the major terpene : pinene , dipentene , citronellal citral , geraniol etc over catalysts and craft .

  20. 花香化功香化合物有吡嗪类、香叶醇、β紫罗酮十(顺)茉莉酮、苯乙腈、橙花叔醇、苯甲醇、芳樟醇氧化物、2苯乙醇等。

    And the flowery and burn aroma components include Pyrazines , Geraniol , β- Ionone + ( z ) - jasmone , Benzyl cyanide , Nerolidol , benzyl alcohol , Linalool oxide , 2 - Phenyl ethanol , etc.

  21. 人活着不仅依靠食物,还需要玫瑰的馨香、橙花的芬芳、新割青草的清香、挚友的握手和母亲温柔的一吻。

    Not by bread alone , but by the fragrance of roses , the scent of orange blossoms , the smell of new-mown hay , the clasp of a friend 's hand , the tenderness of a mother 's kiss .

  22. 以水和苯作混合溶剂,以硼氢化钠作还原剂,采用相转移催化法还原柠檬醛合成橙花醇香叶醇,并对影响还原反应的各种因素进行研究,找出最佳工艺条件。

    The author elaborates a new synthetic method of reducing citral to nerol and geraniol by PTC catalytic reduction with sodium borohydride , in C6H6 / H2O mixture solvents , we discuss the effective factors of reduction and find out the optimum reaction conditions .