
yáng méi
  • red bayberry;Myrica rubra;arbutus;wax myrtle
杨梅 [yáng méi]
  • [red bayberry] 杨梅属(Myrica)常绿灌木或乔木,叶子狭长,花褐色,雌雄异株。果实表面有粒状突起,紫红色或白色,味酸甜,可以吃

杨梅[yáng méi]
  1. 杨梅黑尾果蝇的食物诱杀防治效果

    Effect of Killing Drosophila melanogaster with Food Bait in Red Bayberry

  2. 杨梅果蝇发生危害与食源调查

    Injury of Fruit Fly and its Food Source in Red Bayberry

  3. 目的制备杨梅素分散片并对其相关性能进行考察

    Objective : To prepare myricetin dispersible tablets and investigate its related properties .

  4. 基于GIS的浙江仙居杨梅种植潜力分析

    GIS-Based Potential Analysis for Myrica rubra Cultivation In Xianju County , Zhejiang Province

  5. 杨梅果实糖积累与着色形成、酸含量和pH变化关系密切。

    Waxberry fruit sugar accumulation was correlated with coloring and change of acid and pH.

  6. 杨梅属两种植物光合特性对CO2浓度升高响应的比较研究

    Comparative study of photosynthetic responses to short-term elevated co_2 in two Myrica species

  7. 杨梅酸性转化酶基因cDNA分离及表达分析

    Isolation and expression analysis of acid invertase gene cDNA from Myrica rubra

  8. 杨梅富含维生素C,本文介绍了杨梅果肉粒粒饮料的生产工艺。

    Red bayberry contains much vitamin C. In this paper , the production technique of beverage with suspended red bayberry pulp grains was introduced .

  9. RAPD技术在杨梅属植物分类研究中的应用

    Studies on Identification and Classification of Genomic DNA in Myrica by RAPD Analysis

  10. GC-MS联用分析三个品种杨梅树叶的挥发油组分

    GC-MS analysis of volatile components from leaves of different Myrica rubra

  11. 研究从毛杨梅树皮中提取杨梅醇的工艺条件及用HPLC法测定其含量的色谱条件。

    The extraction conditions of myricanol in Myrica esculenta bark were studied and its content was determined by HPLC .

  12. 优质大果杨梅新品系乌紫杨梅的生物学特性及其RAPD鉴定

    Biological characteristics and RAPD identification of a new high quality and large fruit bayberry line Wuzi

  13. 丁岙杨梅叶挥发油的GC-MS分析

    Analysis of the essential oil from the leaves of ding-ao Myrica rubra by GC-MS

  14. 保鲜剂处理减缓了杨梅的总糖和总酸的消耗速率,维生素C和花色苷含量保持较高,因而品质保持最好。

    The antiseptic treatment decreased the consumption rates of total sugar and titratable acidity and remained higher level of vitamin C and anthocyanin , thus kept the best quality of the fruit .

  15. 用改进的活体法测定了杨梅幼树体内硝酸还原酶(NR)的分布状况。

    The nitrate reductase ( NR ) activity was determined in Myria rubra young trees in vivo .

  16. 首先研究了胶原纤维固化黑荆树单宁、固化落叶松单宁和固化杨梅单宁对Cd(II)的吸附特性。

    At first , the adsorption behaviors of Cd ( II ) on collagen fiber immobilized black wattle tannin , larch tannin and bayberry tannin were investigated .

  17. 杨梅蜂花粉多数维生素含量与其它果树蜂花粉相近,但维生素E,A和C的含量较高。

    The contents of most vitamins in the pollen of wax myrtle were similar to those in other fruit trees but the pollen of wax myrtle contained more vitamins E , A and C.

  18. 矮杨梅(MyricananaCheval.)实生苗栽培试验研究

    Study of Cultural Test on Seedling of Myrica nana Cheval

  19. 400mg/kg有利于杨梅叶蚊母树平均单株生物量、平均地下生物量的形成。

    Its average individual biomass and average underground biomass were speeded up at the concentration of 400mg / kg .

  20. 基于AFLP和SSR分子标记的中国杨梅遗传多样性分析

    Genetic Diversity Analysis of Chinese Bayberry ( Myrica Rubra Sieb . & Zucc . ) Based on AFLP and SSR Markers

  21. 本文对瑶药水杨梅(AdinarubellaHance)的化学成分和部分生物活性进行了研究。

    The chemical constituents and biological activities of Adina rubella Hance were studied in this project .

  22. 杨梅根瘤Frankia菌对重金属的抗性

    Heavy Metal Resistance of Frankia Strains from Root Nodule of Myrica rubra

  23. 矮杨梅叶精油化学成分分析RAPD技术在杨梅属植物分类研究中的应用

    STUDY ON CHEMICAL COMPONENTS OF THE ESSENTIAL OIL FROM LEAVES OF MYRICA NANA CHEVAL Studies on Identification and Classification of Genomic DNA in Myrica by RAPD Analysis

  24. 杨梅属三种埴物叶营养元素含量不同,但总的情况是两年生叶中N、P、K和总灰分(矿质元素)均比一年生的高。

    The contents of N , P , K , total ash in leaves of Myrica are higher in first year than second year . 3 . There is a little difference in the shape among Myrica root nodules .

  25. 目的观察杨梅树皮素(MYR)对多种动物模型的降血糖作用。

    OBJECTIVE To observe hypoglycemic effect of myricetin ( MYR ) on various animal models .

  26. 杨梅品种RAPD标记的聚类分析RAPD标记的福建省30份杨梅品种两两之间的遗传相似系数均在0-1之间。

    The clustering analysis of RAPD markers in Myrica rubra . The genetic distances among 30 accessions of Myrica rubra cultivars in Fujian Province for RAPD marks were between 0 and 1 .

  27. 黄酮及二氢杨梅素都能不同程度降低小鼠血清TC、TG、LDL-C、MDA含量,提高血清HDL-C含量及SOD活性,降低肝系数。

    Tengcha flavones and DMY decreased serum TC , TG , LDL-C , malondiadehyde ( MDA ) contents and Liver coefficient , increased HDL-C levels and the activities of SOD distinctly .

  28. 进一步利用SephadexLH-20层析柱进行分离纯化,制得的黄酮纯度达74.40%,二氢杨梅素含量达67.12%。

    The purity of flavones with further purification by Sephadex LH-20 was 74.40 % and the content of DMY was 67.12 % .

  29. 在此基础上,建立了高效液相色谱法测定二氢杨梅素的操作条件。色谱柱为Symmetry300~(TM)C(18)3.5×150mm;

    At the base of that , the operation condition of HPLC method to determine DMY are immobile phase was Symmetry 300 ~ ( TM ) C_ ( 18 ) 3.5 × 150mm ;

  30. +22UO在固化杨梅单宁上的吸附平衡符合Freundlich方程,升高温度,平衡吸附量增大。

    The adsorption isotherms can be described by Freundlich equation , which showed the fact that the increase of temperature favors the adsorption of + 22UO .