
  1. 第四章则从批判角度出发,总结概括杨红樱童书畅销背后的主要问题。

    The fourth chapter , based on the critically perspective , summarize the main problems behind the children publishing .

  2. 最近我很迷恋杨红樱阿姨写的一部书&《非常女生》。

    I have been infatuated with a book - " Absolute girls " written by Aunt Yang Hongying recently .

  3. 曹文轩和其他著名儿童文学作家,比如杨红樱和沈石溪,受益于中产阶级的迅速膨胀以及对儿童教育越来越强烈的痴迷。

    Mr. Cao and other prominent children 's authors , like Yang Hongying and Shen Shixi , have benefited from the rapid expansion of the middle class and a growing obsession with children 's education .

  4. 自身作品定位的准确,成功的宣传和推广,童书市场的日渐繁荣,共同成就了杨红樱以及杨红樱现象。

    It was her correct orientation of writing , the successful publication and introduction , and the growing boom of children 's book market all together crowned Yang Hong-ying and the " Phenomenon of Yang Hong-ying " .

  5. 尽管评论界对此褒贬不一,但笔者认为,杨红樱现象给发展较为滞后的童年文学的写作与出版提供了有益的启示,并从文本、读者定位、市场运作等方面进行了探讨。

    Despite different attitudes of the critic circle , the author believes that such a phenomenon offers us some helpful inspiration for solving the lag development situation of juvenile literature writing and publishing , while probes into questions about text , orientation of readers and marketing operation .