
  • 网络Fancheng;FANCHING
  1. 关羽决心攻下樊城,不肯退。

    Determined to take over Fancheng City , Guan refused to retreat .

  2. 演讲知识培训由樊城区人大裴主任主持。

    The meeting was hosted by Director Pei of Fancheng District People 's Congress .

  3. 襄樊市主要由三个区组成:襄城区,樊城区和高新区。

    Xiangfan is mainly composed of three districts , namely , Xiangcheng , Fancheng , and High-tech Zone .

  4. 当我们抵达时,我们住进了汉江两岸襄阳的姊妹城樊城的宾馆。

    When we arrived , we were installed in a comfortable guesthouse in Fanch'eng 's twin city of Hsiangyang , across the Han River .

  5. 关羽攻打樊城时,被毒箭射中右臂。那笑话是对我的恶毒攻击。

    Guan Yu was hit by a poisonous arrow in the right arm while attacking Fancheng City . That joke was a nasty hit at me .

  6. 在樊城,我学到了古老谚语的真理,“贫穷是一种精神状态”。在访问一个公社时,我们被带云参观农民的房子。

    In Fanch'eng I learned the truth of the old adage ," Poverty is a state of mind . " While visiting a commune , we were taken to see the peasants'houses .

  7. 曹操命大将于禁为南征将军,庞德为先锋,统帅七路大军,星夜去救樊城。

    Cao Cao appointed Yu Jin as the chief commander in charge of the southern expedition , together with Pang De in the vanguard . They led seven armies to rescue Fancheng City .

  8. 也就是在这样一条船上,他和我妈妈、西尔维娅、眯米,和我哥哥奥尔顿(那时还是婴儿)在1927年逃离樊城,当时正值蒋介石开始掌权的战争时期。

    In just such a boat , he and Mother , Sylvia , Meme , and my brother Alton ( both babies then ) had fled Fanch'eng in1927 , during the fighting when Chiang Kai-shek came to power .