
  1. 在第一场比赛中,樊振东以3-0的比分击败了王楚钦,帮助广东队取得领先。

    Guangdong take the lead after Fan beats Wang Chuqin 3-0 in the first match .

  2. 但樊振东保持了冷静,并通过自己凶猛的进攻,迫使马龙回球下网。

    but Fan keeps calm and takes advantage of his strong offense to force Ma to hit the net .

  3. 在林高远为广东队赢下第三场比赛后,马龙和樊振东在第四场比赛中展开了激烈的较量。

    After Lin Gaoyuan wins the third match for Guangdong , and it 's a fierce battle in the fourth between Ma and Fan .

  4. 之后,樊振东以13-11的比分拿下了比赛,并帮助广东队以3-1的大比分赢得了24年来的首枚乒乓球男团金牌。

    Fan then claims the game in 13-11 and gives Guangdong a 3-1 victory for their first men 's team gold at the games in 24 years .

  5. 在全运会乒乓球比赛中,樊振东反败为胜,击败了北京队的马龙,帮助广东队24年来首次赢得全运会男子乒乓球比赛团体冠军。

    In table tennis , Fan Zhendong fought back to beat Ma Long of Beijing to help Guangdong win the men 's team event for the first time in 24 years .