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  1. 长沙楚帛书与古代思想

    Silk Books of Chu unearthed in Changsha and Ancient Ideas

  2. 文章首先通过对楚帛书内容的整体性分析说明其月令性质,然后逐一阐释帛书中的禁忌内容。

    The thesis illustrates the character of Menology by analyzing roundly the content of cloth piece in chu kingdom , and then to analyzed the taboo .

  3. 澳大利亚学者巴纳教授研究楚帛书的专著有三部,长文有一篇。

    Professor Barnard is an Australia scholar , and he has wrote three monographs and a long thesis on studying The Ch ' u Silk Manuscript .

  4. 首先,介绍了巴纳教授对楚帛书的来源、周边十二肖图及帛书韵律的研究;

    First , writer introduces the study of Barnard on resource 、 the twelve peripheral figures 、 rhyme and metre of The Ch ' u Silk Manuscript ;

  5. 本文对楚帛书甲篇做了新的解读,认为它是我们现在可以看到的中国先秦时期惟一完整的创世神话。

    Based on a new interpretation of Chapter One of the texts on Chu silk , this paper believes that it is the only complete creation myth we can see today of the Pre Qin China .