
  • 网络king huai of chu
  1. 当楚怀王察觉受骗,又发兵攻秦。

    When finding cheated , King Huai of Chu dispatched troops to attack Qin .

  2. 楚怀王命宋义为上将、项羽为次将率兵北上救赵。

    Prince of Chu , sent Xiang Yu as the second-in-command to Song Yi in an ex-peditory force to relieve Zhao .

  3. 本文采取新的视角,将楚怀王的生前身后视作悲喜剧,并进行原因分析。

    This paper is an analysis of Chu Huai Wang 's life , seeing it as a tragicomedy from a new perspective .

  4. 虽然《离骚》的具体创作时间未知,但可以确定它是在屈原被楚怀王流放之后的作品。

    While the precise date of composition is unknown it is one of Qu Yuan 's later works , written after his exile by King Huai I of Chu .

  5. 他辅佐楚怀王,曾任左徒和三闾大夫,具有进步的政治理想。主张举贤授能,修明法度,实行“美政”,希望通过楚国内部的政治改革,使国家独立富强,进而统一中国。

    As a court minister , Qu Yuan attempted to persuade the king to promote the talented and to govern with laws and regulations in purpose of achieving " perfect ruling . " He also wished that the State of Chu could , through political reforms , become a sovereign and affluent power , capable of reunifying the war-torn China .