
bàng qiú
  • baseball;baseball game
棒球 [bàng qiú]
  • (1) [baseball]

  • (2) 又称棍球、野球。一种由两队进行比赛、每队九人的球类运动,比赛需用球、棒、手套

  • (3) 棒球运动用的球

棒球[bàng qiú]
  1. 球队标识醒目地印在棒球帽上。

    The team 's logo was emblazoned on the baseball caps .

  2. 那场棒球赛中有些时刻令人焦虑不安。

    There were a few anxious moments in the baseball game .

  3. 这种运动是由棒球演变而来的。

    This game is a variant of baseball .

  4. 我们要去看棒球比赛。

    We 're going to the ball game .

  5. 他从易趣网上购买珍稀的棒球卡。

    He buys rare baseball cards on eBay .

  6. 凯西·施滕格尔可能是棒球界最有趣的人物。

    Casey Stengel was probably the most colorful character in baseball .

  7. 我还是想去看一场棒球赛。

    I 'd still like to go to a ball game .

  8. 他看过的唯一一场棒球赛是在电视上看的。

    The only baseball he saw was on the tube .

  9. 雨水从他的棒球帽帽檐上滴落。

    Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap .

  10. 我们通过投棒球玩打发了一个个漫长、炎热的下午。

    We passed long , hot afternoons pitching a baseball .

  11. 现在,棒球正试图进入欧洲市场。

    Now baseball is trying to get in on the European market .

  12. 他是我在棒球场上见过的跑得最快的家伙。

    He was the fastest thing I ever saw on a baseball field

  13. 有一个房间里陈列着很多纪念棒球史上伟大时刻的画作。

    One room contained a gallery of paintings commemorating great moments in baseball history

  14. 该棒球队产品的海外销量要远超过美国其他棒球俱乐部。

    The team 's products easily outsell those of other American baseball clubs overseas

  15. 他用棒球棒恶意损毁了一辆汽车。

    He maliciously damaged a car with a baseball bat

  16. 哈斯金斯说过去5年他一直在玩虚拟棒球。

    Haskins said he has been playing fantasy baseball for the past five years .

  17. 我捡起他的棒球棒朝那个人的头打去。

    I picked up his baseball bat and swung at the man 's head .

  18. 他戴着一顶很不起眼的棒球帽。

    He 's wearing a deeply unappealing baseball hat

  19. 两个男孩在街上来来回回地投接棒球。

    Two boys were in the street , tossing a baseball back and forth .

  20. 他把棒球帽反戴着。

    He wears his baseball cap back to front

  21. 手持棒球棒的囚犯们挟持了人质,使警察无法靠近。

    Prisoners armed with baseball bats used the hostages to hold police at bay .

  22. 他在20世纪60年代告别了棒球场。

    He departed baseball in the ' 60s .

  23. 地震发生时,该电视网正在烛台棒球场直播世界系列赛。

    The network was broadcasting the World Series from Candlestick Park when the quake struck .

  24. 以棒球为主题的电影获得的青睐远远超过了其他体育类电影。

    Baseball movies have gained an appreciation that far outstrips those dealing with any other sport .

  25. 在接下来的5年时间里,他成为了最了不起的棒球投手之一。

    Over the next five years , he became one of the greatest pitchers in baseball .

  26. 棒球是全民性的休闲运动。

    Baseball is the national pastime .

  27. 以前孩子们常常互相交换棒球卡片。

    Kids used to trade baseball cards

  28. 运动员们正在进行一项公益活动,将打大联盟棒球比赛的快乐带到了社区。

    Sportsmen are performing a public service by bringing the joys of major-league baseball to their communities .

  29. 他担任棒球比赛的裁判。

    He umpired baseball games

  30. 他喜欢棒球。

    He likes baseball