
  • 网络Orange peel
  1. 桔子皮油成分的色谱质谱联用分析

    The Component Analysis of Orange Peel Oil by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

  2. 我们说桔子皮,苹果皮,土豆皮。

    One speaks of orange peel , and apple peel , and tomato skin .

  3. 天然植物染料桔子皮对毛织物染色性能研究

    Dyeing properties of natural plant dye tangerine peel on wool fabrics

  4. 即使桔子皮也需要很长时间才能被分解,而且不会有动物来吃。

    Even orange rinds are slow to disintegrate and not eaten by animals .

  5. 把桔子皮放进冰箱里可以把怪味吸掉。

    Put some orange peels in the refrigerator and they can absorb odd smell .

  6. 桔子皮,黄瓜,玫瑰,芦荟提取物。

    Botanical extracts including orange peel , cucumber , rose extracts , and aloe vera .

  7. 美国科学家就在这个问题上开创了一片新的领域&桔子皮、柠檬皮可以派上大用场。

    Hybrid cars get all the press , but the newest rage might be fuel from orange and lemon peels .