
shí luó
  • dill;cumin
莳萝 [shí luó]
  • [dill] 伞形科草本植物(Anethum graveolens),羽状复叶,花黄色,叶和种子具香味,用于泡菜和其它食物的调味

莳萝[shí luó]
  1. 她指出英国超市已推出更优质的加工食品,比如乐购(Tesco)的迷你三文鱼意式蛋饼配莳萝蛋黄酱。

    She notes that British supermarkets have introduced better quality processed meals , such as Tesco 's mini salmon frittatas with dill B é arnaise .

  2. 如何食用:烤或者是用莳萝炖鲑鱼,把它加到意大利面条和沙拉中如果你是一个素食主义者,或者你不吃鱼,你可以omega3脂肪酸也称为DHA在下面这些地方:

    How : Broil , bake or poach it with dill Toss it into pasta dishes and salads If you 're vegetarian or just not a fish-eater , get the key omega-3 fat called DHA in :

  3. 根据国际和国内的趋势,我们的工厂已经开发出hydx-5全液压操作为核心的莳萝钻机。

    Under the international and domestic trend , our factory has developed the HYDX-5 Full Hydraulic Operated Core Dill Rig .

  4. 用莳萝籽作调料的保存在盐水或醋中的泡菜。

    Pickle preserved in brine or vinegar flavored with dill seed .

  5. 芬芳的、线状的莳萝植物的树叶,用作调味品。

    Aromatic threadlike foliage of the dill plant used as seasoning .

  6. 曼斯菲尔德《莳萝泡菜》的叙事策略

    On the Narrative Strategies in A Dill Pickle by Katherine Mansfield

  7. 混合生菜,黄瓜,小番茄,烤三文鱼(酸奶莳萝酱)

    Mixed lettuce , cucumber , cherry tomatoes , slow roasted salmon .

  8. 龙蒿或莳萝、切碎的豆瓣菜、菠菜或黄瓜做成的蛋黄酱。

    Mayonnaise with tarragon or dill and chopped watercress and spinach or cucumber .

  9. 鼠尾草、薄荷、莳萝均为药草。

    Sage , mint and dill are all herbs .

  10. 酸柠檬奶油酱,烟熏三文鱼,新鲜莳萝。

    Lemon-mascarpone cream , smoked salmon , fresh dill .

  11. 盐、胡椒、莳萝、大蒜粉、肉桂。

    Salt , pepper , dill weed , garlic powder , cinnamon . Ellen ?

  12. 发达芝士,黄瓜,番茄片,黑橄榄和绿橄榄,虾(酸奶莳萝酱)

    Feta , cucumber - , tomato cubes , black and green olives , shrimp .

  13. 黄瓜丁用厨房餐巾纸抹干水份,和莳萝一起加入酸奶中。

    Dry cucumbers by patting with paper towels . Add Cucumbers and dill to yogurt mixture .

  14. 插手意大利熏火腿,菠菜和莳萝,搅拌同化。

    Add the prosciutto , spinach and dill to the pasta mixture and toss to combine .

  15. 莳萝,欧芹和水芹作为餐食的一部分是要用叉食用的。

    Dill , parsley and water celery as part of the meal is to use fork edible .

  16. 你需要准备几片薄薄的莳萝酸黄瓜,几片厚厚的番茄片。

    What you need is thin wisps of a dill pickle , thicker wisps of sliced tomato .

  17. 结合土豆、牛肉、婴孩沙拉叶子和1把大汤匙在一个大碗的莳萝。

    Combine the potatoes , beef , baby salad leaves and1 tablespoon of dill in a large bowl .

  18. 贴士:可以用莳萝和柠檬来配烤鱼,选择水包装的金枪鱼(罐头),而不是油包装的。

    Tip : Grill tuna steak with dill and lemon ; choose tuna packed in water , not oil .

  19. 另一份是煎鸭润糜羔搭希腊葡萄,红洋葱,莳萝及八角茴香晶。

    Sauteed Artisan Duck Foie Gras with zante grapes , red torpedo onion , fennel and star anise reduction .

  20. 莳萝子被广泛用于酸洗以及德国、俄罗斯和斯堪的纳维亚等国的菜肴中。

    Dill Seeds are widely used in pickling as well as in German , Russian , and Scandinavian dishes .

  21. 茴香的果实较瘦长,稍弯曲;莳萝的果实扁平,侧棱延展成翅状;

    Fruit of fennel is lanky and slightly curved , but that of dill is flat and its flank edge extends to be like wing .

  22. 希腊菜肴使用了一些香料多于其他地中海菜做的事:牛至,薄荷,大蒜,洋葱,莳萝和月桂叶湾。

    Greekcuisine uses some spices more often than other Mediterranean cuisinesdo : oregano , mint , garlic , onion , dill and bay laurel leaves .

  23. 定员26座的Luksus餐厅推出定价95美元的精致套餐,包括腌鲭鱼、腌萝卜以及加入麦芽与小红莓的莳萝或防风草冻糕。

    The 26-seat restaurant serves a delicate tasting menu ( $ 95 ), which includes dishes such as cured mackerel , pickled radish and dill or parsnip parfait with malt and cranberry .