
  • 网络CAMPANULACEAE;Campanulacea;Platycodon
  1. 两种桔梗科植物叶表皮研究

    Studies on the leaf epidermis of two species of Campanulaceae

  2. 贵州葫芦科、桔梗科等六个科药用植物资源的研究

    Studies on the medicinal plant resources of cucurbitaceae , campanulaceae and other families in Guizhou

  3. 板桥党参系桔梗科植物川党参CodonopsistangshenOliv.的干燥根,因产于湖北恩施板桥镇而得名,是益气健脾的上乘良药。

    Banqiao radix codonopsis is dry root of balloonflower secco plant sichuan codonopsis pilosula ( Codonopsis tangshen Oliv . ), which is from hubei enshi and is the spleen yiqi good medicine .

  4. 南沙参为桔梗科植物轮叶沙参Adenophoratetraphylla(Thunb.)Fisch.或沙参AdenophorastrictaMiq.的干燥根,具有养阴清肺,益胃生津,化痰,益气的功效。

    Adenophorae Radix is the dry root of Adenophora tetraphylla ( Thunb . ) Fisch . or Adenophora stricta Miq . Of Campanulaceae plants . It has the effects of nourishing yin to clear away the lung-heat , tonifying stomach , promoting fluid , reducing phlegm and tonifying qi .

  5. 桔梗科的地理分布:关于分布中心问题

    The geography of the campanulaceae : on the distribution centres

  6. 没有在分类系统之中;在某些分类中山梗菜属植物被包括在桔梗科。

    Not recognized in all classification systems ; in some classifications lobeliaceous plants are included in family Campanulaceae .

  7. 食虫动植物主要以昆虫为食的动植物轮叶党参是桔梗科党参属多年生缠绕草本,是药食两用的植物。

    An organism that feeds mainly on insects . Codonopsis lanceolata is a climbing herb belonging to campanulaceae codonopsis perennation and used for both food and medicine .

  8. 通过比较桔梗科已有的大量细胞学资料认为该类群应该与风铃草属和沙参属所代表的类群关系较近。

    By comparing with other cytological data of Campanulaceae , this species is probably tetraploid and the genus Homocodon maybe close to Campanula and Adenophora in phylogeny .

  9. 菊亚纲的一目;包含桔梗科;半边莲科;葫芦科;草海桐科;花柱草科;卡利采拉科;菊科。攀缘的多年生的草本;葫芦科的一种攀登生的草本。

    An order or plants of the subclass Asteridae including : Campanulaceae ; Lobeliaceae ; Cucurbitaceae ; Goodeniaceae ; Stylidiaceae ; Calyceraceae ; Compositae . climbing perennial herbs : bryony .

  10. 河南太行山区野生桔梗科植物共有5属16种。

    The wild plants of campanulaceae in Taihang Mountain area Consisted of 16 species , subject to 5 genuses . In addition to the medicinal vaules , Codonopsis lanceolata Benth . et.

  11. 轮叶党参是桔梗科党参属多年生缠绕草本,是药食两用的植物。桔梗与氯丙嗪伍用对大鼠脑纹状体多巴胺的影响

    Codonopsis lanceolata is a climbing herb belonging to campanulaceae codonopsis perennation and used for both food and medicine . Effect of chlorpromazine combined with Platycodon grandiflorum on change of dopamine in rat striatum by microdialysis

  12. 桔梗[Platycodongrandiflorums(Jacq.)A.DC.]为桔梗科桔梗属多年生草本植物,是一种药、食、赏兼用的植物,深受广大人士的喜爱。

    Platycodon grandiflorums for Campanulaceae Platycodon is a perennial herbaceous plant , is a kind of medicine , food , enjoy combination of plant , and was deeply loved by the masses of people .

  13. 本文对分布在黑龙江省的桔梗料(Campanulaceae)植物叶表皮进行了光学显微镜和扫描电镜方面的观察。发现桔梗科植物的气孔复合体是不规则型的;

    This paper is concerned with studies on leaf epidermis of the Campanulaceae in Heilongjiang Province by the light microscope and SEM .