
  • 网络jeff bezos;Jeff Bezo
  1. 亚马逊(Amazon)的杰夫·贝索斯(JeffBezos,其个人净资产为339亿美元)是上周四最大的赢家,其个人净资产增长了9.71亿美元。

    Amazon 's Jeff Bezos ( net worth $ 33.9 billion ) was the biggest dollar gainer yesterday , netting $ 971 million .

  2. 亚马逊网站创始人及CEO杰夫·贝索斯被《卫报》选为当前影响人们阅读的图书权力榜单第一名。

    Jeff Bezos , founder and CEO of Amazon , has been named the most powerful person in the book industry in a Guardian list published today showcasing the most influential people of the moment .

  3. 杰夫·贝索斯(JeffBezos)在他的公司前六年持续亏损,被广泛否认为“Amazon.toast”的时候,仍然坚持他网上书店的想法。

    Jeff Bezos continued to work away at his idea for an online bookshop even after his company , which remained in the red for its first six years , had been widely dismissed as Amazon.toast .

  4. 杰夫·贝索斯日前做客CBS电视台的《60分钟》新闻节目,在与主持人查理·罗斯的交谈中,杰夫展示了亚马逊研发的无人机。他称这台无人机可以在30分钟之内行驶10英里距离,将5磅重以下的包裹送货上门。

    In a interview with Charlie Rose on CBS 's " 60 Minutes " Bezos showed off Amazon-branded drones that he says can travel 10 miles and carry packages weighing up to five pounds to doorsteps in less than 30 minutes .

  5. 亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝索斯(JeffBezos)从不使用讨人欢心的把戏。他曾表示,“我们的文化是友善和紧张的,但在紧要关头,我们只能退而求其次地选择紧张。”其他企业则构建了一种基于员工幸福的商业模式。

    Founder Jeff Bezos has never had any truck with cuddly : " Our culture is friendly and intense , but if push comes to shove we 'll settle for intense , " he once said . The rest of the corporate world has built a business model that rests on the idea of happy workers .

  6. 杰夫·贝索斯的身家近1400亿美元。

    Jeff Bezos is worth close to $ 140 billion .

  7. 亚马逊网站首席执行官杰夫·贝索斯称,这一远景有望在四、五年内成为现实。

    Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says that this reality may be just four or five years away .

  8. 具传奇色彩的企业家理查德·布兰森搭乘自已的带翼火箭飞船飞向太空,比同为亿万富翁的杰夫·贝索斯提前9天进入太空。

    Swashbuckling entrepreneur Richard Branson has hurtled into space aboard his own winged rocket ship , beating fellow billionaire Jeff Bezos by nine days .

  9. 据报道,亚马逊总裁杰夫·贝索斯背着他的妻子麦肯齐,与一位已婚前电视节目主持人有染。

    Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has been having an eight-month affair with a married former television anchor behind his wife MacKenzie 's back , a report claims .

  10. 该组织最近致信亚马逊首席执行官杰夫·贝索斯,对面部识别系统可能对黑人产生的“深刻的负面意外后果”表示担忧。

    That group recently ? wrote to Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos expressing concerns about the " profound negative unintended consequences " facial recognition systems could have for black people .

  11. 毕竟,大量高调的亿万富翁尽管拥有黄金降落伞却仍没有叫停工作,这里面就包括了一些世界顶尖的首席执行官,比如亚马逊的杰夫·贝索斯和脸书的马克·扎克伯格。

    After all , there are numerous high-profile billionaires who haven 't called it quits despite possessing the luxury to retire , including some of the world 's top chief executives , such as Amazon 's Jeff Bezos and Facebook 's Mark Zuckerberg .