
mò qī
  • late;last stage;telophase;last phase;final phase;telephase
末期 [mò qī]
  • (1) [last stage]∶最后一段时期

  • 第一次世界大战末期

  • (2) [telophase]∶细胞有丝分裂的最后阶段

末期[mò qī]
  1. 内源吲哚乙酸(IAA)和细胞分裂素(CTK)水平在休眠初期即达最高值,休眠中期呈下降趋势,休眠末期又有所回升。

    Endogenous GA3 and CTK levels reached the highest in the early phase , declined in the middle phase and rose in the last phase of the dormancy .

  2. 第四级阶地仅在封开发现,是目前广东最高的河流阶地,由Q1末期或Q2初期的冲积物构成。

    The fourth stage terrace is made of the alluvium of last phase Q_1 or early Q_2 , which is only found at Fengkai , and is the highest river terrace in Guangdong at present .

  3. 19世纪50年代末期,技术变革的速度加快了。

    In the late 1850s the speed of technological change quickened

  4. 在泥盆纪末期,30%的动物物种都灭绝了。

    Near the end of Devonian times , thirty percent of all animal life vanished

  5. 英国社会在20世纪30年代末期趋于保守和自闭。

    British society tended to ossify and close ranks as the 1930s drew to their close .

  6. 即使在战争末期,德国工厂也基本上只在白天开工。

    Even at the end of the war , German factories mainly operated only in daytime .

  7. 目前的经济发展明显慢于20世纪80年代中期到末期的迅猛增长时期。

    Current economic activity is markedly slower than during the go-go years of the mid to late 1980s

  8. 这些岛屿是在二战末期被苏联军队占领的。

    The islands were seized by the Soviet army in the dying days of the second world war

  9. Skate这个说法19世纪末期初现于美国,多指驽马、刻薄卑鄙的人,或者二流的运动员。

    Skate began to appear in print in the US at the end of the nineteenth century , almost simultaneously person , and a second-rate sportsman .

  10. 生长初期,温度是限制净光合速率的主要因子,在生长盛期和末期,光强和胞间CO2浓度对净光合速率有主导作用。

    The factor limiting the Pn of oriental oak in early growing season was temperature .

  11. 自从70年代末期以来,C程序员就一直讨论此类错误,但其影响在2007年仍然很大。

    C programmers have talked about this class of error since the late '70s , but their impact remains large in2007 .

  12. 肝硬化患者VEGF水平和终末期肝病模型评分的临床意义

    The clinical significance of serum VEGF and MELD in patients with liver cirrhosis

  13. 失代偿性肝硬化(LC)是一种常见的终末期肝病。

    Decompensated liver cirrhosis is one of the most common end-stage liver diseases .

  14. 原位肝移植术(orthotopiclivertransplantation,OLT)已成为治疗终末期肝功能衰竭的唯一有效手段。

    Orthotopic liver transplantation ( OLT ) is the only effective treatment for end-stage hepatic failure .

  15. 这就是为什么记录测试时,在每一个交易末期总是要返回至SAPEasyAccess界面非常重要的原因了。

    This is why it 's important to always return to the SAP Easy Access screen at the end of each transaction when recording the test .

  16. 挤压反转期(O2末期和O3末期);

    Compressive inversion period ( the last stage of O2 , O3 );

  17. 目前,DN已经成为西方国家终末期肾病(end-stagerenaldisease,ESRD)的主要原因。

    At present , the DN has become the main reason of the End-stage renal disease in the west .

  18. 结论1.随着糖尿病肾病的病情进展,血浆中CGRP的含量逐渐增加,糖尿病肾病终末期CGRP含量明显增高。

    Conclusion 1 . With the development of diabetic nephropathy , plasma level of CGRP increases significantly .

  19. 目的:糖尿病性肾病(diabeticNephropathy,DN)是糖尿病微血管并发症之一,也是导致终末期肾病的重要原因之一。

    Objective : Diabetic nephropathy is one of the microvascular complications of diabetes , is also one of the important causes of ESRD .

  20. 贮藏末期,各处理组合果实的腐烂率比CK低28.2%~69.5%。

    At the end of storage , the rot rate of different packing is 28.2 % to 69.5 % lower than CK .

  21. HU对后、末期的部分同步化也有明显作用,约有17%的后、末期细胞被检测到。

    Partial synchronization of cell division at anaphase-telophase has also been obtained only using HU treatment , mitotic frequency has reached at 17 % .

  22. 乳糖含量在泌乳末期最低,与泌乳初期差异显著(p0.05),与泌乳中期差异极显著(p0.01)。

    The lactose content was lowest in the late lactation and early lactation significantly difference ( p0.05 ), and mid-lactation was extremely significant difference ( p0.01 ) .

  23. 结果矫治末期及保持期与矫治前比较,PLI下降(p值分别为P<0.01,P<0.001),有显著性意义。

    Results The PLI in post-treatment and maintainer was lower than that of the pre-treatment ( p < 0.01 and p < 0.001 ) .

  24. 终末期肝病患者应用G-CSF诱导骨髓源性细胞的可行性与安全性

    Feasibility and safety of G-CSF administration to induce bone marrow-derived cells mobilization in patients with end stage liver disease

  25. 肾脏纤维化是终末期肾脏疾病的共同途径,CTGF在肾脏纤维化过程中起到关键作用。

    Renal fibrosis is the common pathway of ESRD , CTGF acts as a crucial factor in the process .

  26. LF末期钢中氧含量为(15~25)×10-6,残余铝含量0.020%-0.030%。

    The oxygen content in steel at end phase of ladle furnace was ( 15-25 )× 10-6 and residual aluminium was 0.020 % - 0.030 % .

  27. 使用PMSG、HCG调节繁殖末期母蓝狐发情和产仔效果的试验研究

    Study on Effects of PMSG and HCG on Estrus and Fertility of Female Blue Fox at the End of Breeding Season

  28. 研究背景:糖尿病肾病(diabeticNephropathy,DN)的发病率在全世界范围内正在逐年升高。DN已经成为欧美诱导终末期肾衰竭需要肾替代治疗的最常见的原因。

    Background : Diabetic nephropathy is increasing dramatically worldwide and is now the most common cause of end-stage renal failure requiring renal replacement therapy in Europe and America .

  29. 测量三个心动周期舒张末期的各段动脉的内径和CCA内中膜厚度。

    The diameters of all the arteries and the intima - media thickness ( IMT ) of the CCA were measured .

  30. 慢性HBV感染导致的肝炎肝硬化和肝癌等终末期肝病,已成为严重危害我国人民生命健康的主要疾病。

    Both liver cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma , which are serious end stage of liver diseases and caused mostly by chronic HBV infection , have been threaten to lives and healthy of Chinese people .