
  • 网络Callus;Healing;curing
  1. 以植物愈伤组织为材料抽提DNA

    Purification of DNA from plant callus

  2. MS培养基诱导愈伤组织效果最好;

    MS medium was the best medium for callus induction .

  3. 柑橘愈伤组织DNA含量变异、体细胞胚胎发生及同源四倍体的诱导研究

    DNA Content Variation of Calli , Somatic Embryogenesis and Induction of Autotetraploid in Citrus

  4. 诱导菠萝愈伤组织的培养基以MS培养基的效果较好。

    MS medium was more effective for pineapple callus initiation .

  5. 目的:以怀牛膝的子叶为外植体,以愈伤指数与齐墩果酸含量优选最佳MS培养基。

    Objective : To select the best MS medium .

  6. 结果表明,被感染的大豆叶片在MS培养基上可以产生愈伤组织。

    The results show that the infected soybean leaves can callus cultures on MS medium .

  7. 黄豆芽愈伤组织培养条件对Vc积累的影响

    Effect of Culture Condition of Soybean Sprout Callus on Accumulation of Vitamin C

  8. 结果表明,以离体去皮根段为外植体,MS为基本培养基,诱导愈伤组织较为适宜。

    Callus was efficiently induced from in vitro root segment devoid of rhizodermis on MS medium .

  9. SA对稻根和愈伤组织CAT和POD活性的影响

    Effects of SA on Activities of CAT and POD in Rice Root and Callus

  10. 叶片外植体最佳预培养时间为2d,此时抗性愈伤率最高,为71.25%。

    For leaf optimum time of pre-culture was 2d . The highest frequency was 71.25 % .

  11. 进行了大蒜愈伤组织的诱导以及高产超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)大蒜悬浮细胞系的筛选。

    Induction of garlic callus and selection of highly producing SOD garlic suspension cell line were studied .

  12. H2O2对抗旱性不同玉米品种愈伤组织抗氧化系统的影响

    Effect of exogenous H 2O 2 on the antioxidant system in Calli of two maize cultivars with different drought resistance

  13. 低浓度的ABA对于愈伤组织分化有一定的促进作用;

    Low concentrations of ABA promoted calli differentiation .

  14. Ethylene,NO及H2O2在拟南芥愈伤组织盐适应中调节作用的机理研究

    Studies on the Mechanism of Regulations of Ethylene , NO and H_2O_2 in the Adaptation of Arabidopsis Callus to Salt Stress

  15. 本文报道了延胡素愈伤组织和地下茎形成块茎的适宜条件:改良H培养基附加BA或BA+GA。

    This paper reports on the conditions suitable for the formation of tuber by callus and underground stem of Corydalis yanhusuo .

  16. B5培养基较MS培养基有利于愈伤组织诱导。

    B5 basal medium was more effective in inducing callus than MS basal medium .

  17. 苜蓿愈伤组织诱导及GUS基因瞬时表达

    Inducing of Alfalfa calli and transient expression of GUS gene in Calli

  18. 以叶用莴苣微茎尖为试材,在含有BA和NAA的MS液体培养基上旋转培养,诱导出大量愈伤组织;

    Primordium-like tissue was established from the apical meristem under rotation culture on MS medium with BA and NAA .

  19. LM培养基上诱导产生极少量的胚性愈伤组织,在后期增殖过程中死亡。

    LM medium induced a little embryonic callus and died during the proliferation .

  20. 这些结论表明胚胎形成需要相对低的DNA胞嘧啶甲基化水平,而对于胚性愈伤组织的分化过程则需要高甲基化。

    These results suggest that embryogenesis maybe need a relatively low level of cytosine DNA methylation , while for differentiation from embryogenic calli , a higher methylation level is necessary .

  21. 实验中发现,在培养基中加入适量PEG可以显著提高杜仲胚乳愈伤组织分化频率。且耦合电容具有频率选择性。

    It was found in the present study that redifferentiation frequency of callus in E. And it has frequency selectivity .

  22. 用毒素粗提液处理寄主愈伤组织2d后,可于光学显微镜下观察到严重的细胞原生质泡囊化现象,这是寄主受到毒素作用后于细胞水平所表现出的伤害症状。

    After the host callus cells were inoculated with the toxin , the many bubbles in cell plasma were observed in 2 days .

  23. 潮霉素和PPT对水稻愈伤组织筛选效果的比较

    Study on selection efficiency of rice calli with hygromycin and PPT

  24. 内源GA3和JA含量则在整个愈伤组织诱导过程中迅速下降。

    Endogenous GA3 and JA content decreased during the whole induction culture .

  25. 在胚性愈伤组织时期,RNA的含量很低,而DNA合成十分活跃。

    At embryogenic callus stage RNA contents were very low , while DNA was actively synthesized , closely related to the active synthesis of proteins at this stage .

  26. 愈伤组织在不含激素的MS固体培养基上可一步分化成完整小植株,在液体培养基中震荡培养可形成大量小块茎。

    The callus could differentiate into the plantlets on solid culture and into plenty of tubers on liquid shake culture on MS mediums without plant growth hormone .

  27. 甘蔗愈伤组织G418最低抑制浓度的测定

    Mensuration of the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration of G418 for Sugarcane Callus

  28. PAA还能有效地促进花药愈伤组织不经转移到分化培养基上而直接在诱导培养基上分化成苗。

    PAA could greatly stimulate the shoot formation of callus directly on the induction medium .

  29. 培养基类型对愈伤组织的诱导和分化有明显影响,MS培养基优于DCR培养基。

    Media had obvious effect on calli induction and differentiation . MS medium was better than DCR medium .

  30. 经毒素诱导后用ESR仪检测,寄主愈伤组织于2h内即可产生比对照高得多的超氧阴离子自由基,继而诱发膜脂脂过氧化反应;

    The toxin could induce the more O 2 and spur a peroxidation reaction of the lipid in host callus plasmolemma .