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  • 网络Last Emperor;Emperor Modi
  1. 后主虽为南唐末帝,然而政治上的得失仍难以掩盖其独特的艺术收藏品味。

    Although Li Yu was the Southern Tang emperor , but the political gains and losses are still difficult to cover its unique art collection taste .

  2. 二月,宋军大败,陆秀夫身背末帝赵肩跳海而亡,之后张世杰堕海殉国。

    In February , the Southern Song 's troop was defeated and Lu Xiufu jumped into the sea , carrying the last emperor Zhaorui on his back . Soon Zhang Shijie pursued the same end .

  3. 蒙古汗国建立后,几次征讨西夏,经过长期的抗争,西夏于末帝宝义二年(1227)被蒙古所灭。

    After the founding of the Kingdom of Mongolia , there were wars between them . With many years of fighting finally in the 2nd year of Baoyi ( 1227 ) of the last emperor , s reign , the Western Xia ended in the hands of the Mongolia .

  4. 考察玄宗到唐末哀帝的皇位继承形式,可以总结出唐末皇位继承之争的特点:垄断性,分阶段性,斗争的复杂性。

    On investigating the form of inheritance during the period of Emperor Xuan Zong to the last Emperor Ai Di , the characteristics of the inheritance can be concluded : monopolization of eunuchs , phase nature and complexity of struggle .

  5. 北朝谱学与北朝政治从《帝鉴图说》看16世纪末的中国帝政

    The Royal Politics in China at the End of the 16_ ( th ) Century ── Viewed from Di Jian Tu Shuo

  6. 从《帝鉴图说》看16世纪末的中国帝政论汉代国家财政与帝室财政管理体制&与加藤繁先生商榷

    The Royal Politics in China at the End of the 16_ ( th ) Century ── Viewed from Di Jian Tu Shuo On the National Finance and the Royal Finance in the Han Dynasty