
  • 网络Kunyu Mountain
  1. 昆嵛山地形复杂,雨量充沛,植物种类多,野生植物资源丰富,是良好的植物学野外实习场所。

    Kunyu Mountain is a good site for botany open fieldwork because of its complex terrain , plentiful rain , great variety of species and abundant wild plants .

  2. 棉花洲矿区位于胶东隆起带,昆嵛山复背斜与NE、NNE向断裂构造的复合部位。

    Mianhuazhou mining area is located in the composite area of Kunlun Mountain anticlinorium and NE NNE trending faulted structure in the mole track , eastern Shandong .

  3. 利用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)对昆嵛山不同林分类型下的灌木层和草本层进行了数量生态学分析。

    The TWINSPAN classification and DCA ordination were employed for the quantitative analysis of the shrub layer and herbage layer under different stands .

  4. 昆嵛山的森林覆盖面达到了80%。

    The forest coverage of Mountain Kunyu is up to80 % .

  5. 昆嵛山在高和险峻地形里起伏不断。

    Mountain Kunyu ranges rise and fall , with high and precipitous terrain .

  6. 因为迷人的山水风景,昆嵛山是最佳的旅游胜地和避暑胜地。

    With the beautiful scenery of hills and waters , Mountain Kunyu is the best tourist attraction and summer resort .