
  • 网络Natural Enemies of Insects;natural enemies
  1. 作者通过饲养9种农业害虫和黑光灯诱集,观察记录了29种寄生性昆虫天敌和玉米螟微孢子虫病等3种微生物天敌。

    29 kinds of parasitic natural enemies of insects and 3 kinds of microbial natural enemies were recorded by raising agricultural pests and collecting them with blacklight traps since 1983 in Longdong .

  2. 转基因抗虫植物对昆虫天敌的影响

    Effects of insect resistant transgenic plants on natural enemies

  3. 近几年来植物植食性昆虫天敌间的三重营养级关系研究是一个热点。

    Three nutrition relationships between plant and plant-eating insect and natural enemy are focused in some years .

  4. 草本层和灌木层多样性对昆虫天敌类群,尤其是寄生天敌类群有明显的影响。

    Natural enemy insect group , especially Parasitical natural enemy insect community is greatly influenced by the diversification of herbage and shrub layer .

  5. 虫害诱导的植物挥发物的特征和功能是植物植食性昆虫天敌之间长期进化的结果。

    The characteristics and functions of herbivory insect induced plant volatiles are results of the co evolution among plant , herbivore and natural enemy .

  6. 大多数螽蟖为植食性种类,是重要的农林害虫,部分类群为捕食性种类,是重要的昆虫天敌和生物防治的潜在资源。

    Most of them are phytophagous insects and important pests in agriculture and forest ; others are predatory insects and are insect enemy and potential resources for biocontrol .

  7. 生物学家早就知道,是否缺少昆虫天敌是决定一个植物物种是否会变成入侵物种的一个重要因素,但是,现在我们发现,情况比这要复杂得多。

    Biologists have long known that the lack of insect enemies is a key factor in determining if a plant species becomes invasive , but we are finding out that the situation is decidedly more complex .

  8. 通过稻田定期定点调查表明,湘阴县单季稻田捕食性天敌群落主要有蜘蛛13科42种,昆虫天敌26种。

    Based on preliminary investigation in fixed position in Xiangyin , 42 species 13 families of spider and 26 species of insect natural enemy were found in the community of predatory natural enemies of single-cropping paddy fields .

  9. 鸟类与昆虫是天敌。

    Birds and insects are natural enemies .

  10. 通过比较不同N肥施用水平发现,16kg/667m~2N素处理害虫数量较多,中性昆虫和天敌数量也更多。

    Compared with different N fertilizer treatments , the quantities of the neutral insect , the natural enemy and the pest in the 16 kg / 667m ~ 2 N fertilizer treatment is more than that of the other treatments .

  11. 是昆虫的天敌,人类的朋友。

    Are the enemies of insects and the friends of humans .

  12. 昆虫与天敌系统的定性研究

    Qualitative Study of the System of Insect and Natural Enemy

  13. 虫害诱导的植物挥发物:植物与植食性昆虫及其天敌相互作用的进化产物

    Herbivory insect induced plant volatile s : evolutionary products of plant - herbivore-natural enemy interactions

  14. 转基因杨树对目标、非目标昆虫及天敌数量的影响评价。

    Assessment of the effects of transgenic poplar on target , non-target and parasite insects .

  15. 转基因杨树对非目标昆虫和天敌的影响还需进行进一步详细的研究。

    Further study is needed in the effect of transgenic poplars to thenon-target insects and natural enemies .

  16. 而中性昆虫与天敌的相关性表现为跟随性,与害虫存在互补性。

    The relativity with the natural insect obviously showed following relationship , and showed complement relationship with the pest .

  17. 蜘蛛是众多植食性昆虫的天敌,在生态系统中具有不可替代的作用,对于湿地生态系统的健康和稳定亦有重要贡献。

    Spiders are natural enemies of various phytophagous insects . They play a irreplaceable role in ecosystem , as well as in wetland ecosystem .

  18. “蜘蛛是昆虫的天敌,有了它能避免农民大量喷洒杀虫剂”,雷诺兹说。

    " Spiders are key predators of insects and can alleviate the need for farmers to spray large quantities of pesticide ," Reynolds said .

  19. 植物、植食昆虫、天敌三个营养层次间的关系在水中加一种化学营养剂作为植物的养料。

    The nutrition classes relationship of plant , phytophagous insect and natural enemy A chemical solution of nutrients is added to the water to produce food for the plants .

  20. 本文论述了天敌昆虫、天敌动物、病原微生物、以及杀虫抗生素等对棉铃虫的防治效果。

    We briefly introduces the following methods which can produce good effects in controlling Heliothis armigera : insect natural enemies , animal natural enemies , pathogenic microorganism and insecticidal antibiotics .

  21. 在植物-植食性昆虫-天敌的三级营养链中,天敌昆虫如何利用嗅觉系统准确识别寻找到寄主昆虫是一个重要的环节。

    In the three nutritional chain of plant , phytophagous insects and natural enemy , it is an important part of natural enemy insects use olfactory system to identify and find host insects .

  22. 从地表节肢动物数量动态可知,中性昆虫对天敌前期的定殖可能有着重要作用。

    According to the dynamics of number of predators on the earth 's surface , it was indicated that the neutral insects may be play important role to the setting of predators in the former of cauliflower .

  23. 不太想黛比叹气到。不过建议你还是多多少少告诉我一点好了。蜘蛛,赛蒙说,完全不听黛比的评论继续说道,是昆虫的天敌,人类的朋友。

    ' ' Not really , ' sighed Debbie'but I suppose you 're going to tell me anyway . ' ' Spiders , ' said Simon , ignoring her remarks , ' are the enemies of insects and the friends of humans .

  24. 昆虫掠食者天敌昆虫的杀手本色

    Predatory Insects-The killer Instinct of natural Predators

  25. 致死因子包括寄主抗性、捕食性天敌昆虫、寄生性天敌昆虫、病原微生物、种内竞争共5类13种。

    There were 13 kinds of death causing factors which were summarized as 5 sorts including host resistance , predators , parasitoids , pathogenic microorganisms , and specific rivalry .

  26. 杂草地生境节肢动物群落的害虫、中性昆虫、捕食性天敌和寄生性天敌亚群落对稻田生境相应亚群落的影响程度不同。

    The effect of predator , parasitoid , insect pest and neutral insect groups in the arthropod community in the weed habitat on the corresponding groups in the paddy habitat were varied .

  27. 各群落的重要烟草昆虫种类有所不同,烟草昆虫天敌的种类差别更大。

    The species of key insects feeding on tobacco plants change with communities and there is more distinct difference among natural enemy species .

  28. 从工业用昆虫、药用昆虫、食用昆虫、饲用昆虫、天敌昆虫、传粉昆虫、文化昆虫等方面,简要概述了资源昆虫的研究利用状况及前景展望。

    The advance of research and utilization of industrial , medical , edible , feed , predating , pollinating and cultural insects were reviewed and the prospect of these resources was discussed .

  29. 喷施外源化合物和昆虫取食均可诱导小麦的防御反应,如挥发物组成发生改变、某些次生物质含量增加或减少,进而影响昆虫和天敌的行为反应。

    Application of exogenous chemicals and feeding of insect pests can induce wheat to produce various defense responses , such as changing in the composition of volatiles and contents of other secondary metabolites , which in turn will affect the behavior of phytophagous insects and their natural enemies .