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Kūn lún shān
  • Kunlun Mountain
昆仑山 [kūn lún shān]
  • [Kunlun Mountains] 亦作崑崙山。中国西部山系的主干,西起帕米尔高原,经新疆西藏之间,通过青海西南到四川西北部,长2500公里,7千米以上高峰有多座

  1. 去年,在伊斯坦布尔结束了其首个WTA年终锦标赛之后,29岁的李娜回到了老家武汉。随后她到北京为中国赞助商泰康人寿、乳品企业伊利以及昆仑山矿泉水拍照。

    After competing in her first WTA Year-End Championships in Istanbul , the 29-year-old returned to her home in Wuhan , then traveled to Beijing for photo shoots with Chinese sponsors Taikang Life Insurance , dairy company Yili and Kunlun Mountain Mineral Water .

  2. 新疆东昆仑山早二叠世四射珊瑚新资料

    New data of Early Permian TETRACORALS from Eastern Kunlun Mountain of Xinjiang

  3. 允许她带着神草离开昆仑山。

    the Old Man permitted her to leave the mountain with the immortal herb .

  4. 她乘着云朵到昆仑山,接着徒步穿过道路及拱门,

    She rode to the mountains on a cloud , then continued on foot passed gateways11

  5. 甚至让人起死回生的草药,由昆仑山禁忌山峰上的南极仙翁所看守。

    and even bring the dead back to life , guarded by the Old Man of the South Pole in the forbidden peaks of the Kun Lun Mountains .

  6. 基于实测值分段线性内插模型的INSAR视线向同震位错分解&以青藏高原昆仑山MS8.1地震为例

    Decomposing InSAR Los displacement into coseismic dislocation by linear interpolation modeling

  7. 西昆仑山库地蛇绿岩的特征及其构造意义南部Pb、V、Cr异常反映早古生代地层与蛇绿岩套的混合地化场。

    THE CHARACTERISTICS OF KUDI OPHIOLITE SUITE AND ITS TECTONIC SETTING and the Pb , V and Cr anomalies in the southern part of the province are the resultant fields of the early Palaeozoic rock formations and ophiolite suite .

  8. 热离子质谱测定的颗粒级锆石U-Pb不一致年龄数据处理的多边形准则&以大别山和东昆仑山深变质岩为例

    Polygonal rule for assessing the discordant U-Pb data of single-grain zircon by tims ∶ taking high-grade metamorphic rocks from Dabie and East Kunlun Mountains as examples

  9. 昆仑山MS8.1地震震源参数的多破裂段模拟研究

    A multi-segment analytic modeling of hypocentral geometric characteristic parameters of the M_S8.1 earthquake at the Kunlun Mountains

  10. 由昆仑山流向塔里木盆地的河流将中&上更新统及更老沉积切割50~100m以上,表明全新世以来的隆升速率是相当高的。

    That rivers flowing from the West Kunlun to the Tarim basin cut the middle to late Pleistocene gravel beds and older sediments to a depth of 50 to more than 100 m indicates a high uplifting rate since the Holocene .

  11. 四川棱子芹属(PleurospermumHoffm.)系统学研究中国昆仑山地区棱子芹属植物苞片形态及其分类学意义

    Systematic of Genus Pleurospermum in SiChuan of China ; Bracts and bracteoles Morphology of Pleurospermum Hoffm . in Kun-Lun Mountains and Its Taxonomic Significance

  12. 方法:①选择2005-06某部驻西喀喇昆仑山海拔3700m地区健康男性青年20名,平均年龄(20±1)岁。

    METHODS : ① Totally 20 healthy young males stayed at high altitude of 3 700 m and mean age of ( 20 ± 1 ) years were selected from western Karakorum mountain area in June 2005 . All cases were told the fact .

  13. 记喀喇昆仑山&西昆仑山综合科学考察

    An integrated scientific expedition to the Karakorum and West Kunlun Mountains

  14. 昆仑山地震前长波辐射异常特征分析

    Analysis on abnormal characteristics of OLR before the Kunlun Mountains earthquake

  15. 用大地测量数据反演2001年昆仑山地震

    Using geodetic data to inverse co-seismic dislocation of 2001 Kunlun earthquake

  16. 喀喇昆仑-昆仑山昆虫区系

    The insect fauna of the Karakorum - Kunlun mountains , China

  17. 昆仑山隧道工作面风温计算及影响因素

    Airflow Temperature Calculation and Influence Factors in Kunlun Tunnel Face

  18. 晚更新世晚期以来昆仑山垭口区的植被与环境

    Vegetational and environmental changes of Kunlun Mt. pass area since late Pleistocene

  19. 昆仑山断层围陷波的分析和研究

    Analysis of the trapped wave recorded in Kunlun fault zone

  20. 中国昆仑山委陵菜属植物分类学研究

    A Taxonomic Study on Potentilla from Kunlun Mountains in China

  21. 昆仑山隧道渗漏水原因探讨及治理

    Study on Waterproof Treatment and Causes for Leakage Water of Kunlun Mountain Tunnel

  22. 新疆昆仑山、喀喇昆仑山中泥盆世及石炭纪一些四射珊瑚

    Middle Devonian and Carboniferous TETRACORALS from Kunlun Mountain and Karakorum mountain , Xinjiang

  23. 昆仑山山系13种,占4.9%。

    The last is Karakorum Mountain just having 13 species , 4.9 percent .

  24. 西昆仑山构造格架与成矿堆积环境

    Tectonic framework and metallogenic-depositional environments in west Kunlun Mts

  25. 南缘受西昆仑山的逆冲推覆作用的影响;

    Overthrust of west Kunlun mountains in south margin ;

  26. 西昆仑山库地北岩体的地球化学特征及构造意义

    Geochemical characteristics and tectonic implications of North Kuda Pluton , West Kunlun Mountains

  27. 昆仑山北麓叶城县荒地资源的开发利用问题

    A study on the exploitation and using of waste land in Yecheng County

  28. 西昆仑山加里东期花岗岩类浅识

    Preliminary discussion on Caledonian granites in Western Kunlun Mountains

  29. 白齿藓科植物白齿藓在新疆昆仑山的发现

    Discovery of the Moss Family Leucodontaceae in Kunlun Mountains , Xinjiang , China

  30. 西昆仑山北缘盆山构造转换解析

    On tectonic transformation of mountains and basins at northern margin of West Kunlun Mountains