
  • 网络database testing
  1. SQuirreLSQL是满足您数据库测试需求的一个很好的工具。

    SQuirreL SQL is a great tool to satisfy your database testing needs .

  2. 任何案例的最终结果都是,您现在知道如何利用RationalFunctionalTester和SQuirreLSQL来成功地对您的数据库测试进行自动化操作。

    The end result in any case is that you now know how to successfully automate your database testing with Rational Functional Tester and SQuirreL SQL .

  3. 他拥有约12年的IT工作经验,擅长服务器端测试、shell和Perl脚本测试,以及数据库测试。

    He has around 12 years of IT experience working and specializing in server-side testing , shell and Perl scripting , and database testing .

  4. 代码是使用称为HSQLDB的内存数据库测试的,这种产品包含一个简单的GUI工具。

    The code was tested using an in-memory database called HSQLDB , and this product includes a simple GUI tool .

  5. 所以在保证数据库测试普遍有用性的同时又能与自动测试并发,是需要很多技巧的。

    Tests for such applications can be browser based , with a number of js test files .

  6. 软件测试工具提供数据库测试、知识库测试、案例自动生成与维护、健壮性测试;

    This software test tool provides database test , knowledge base test , auto production of cases and maintenance and robustness test .

  7. 设计并开发了一个具有很好的可扩展性和可配置性的实时数据库测试平台来分析和比较实时事务并发控制算法的性能。

    Finally , a real-time database test platform which is extensible and configurable is designed and developed to analysis and compare the concurrency control algorithms for RTDBSs .

  8. 使用MIT/BIH心律失常数据库测试表明,本方法在最大程度保存诊断信息,获得好的信号质量的同时,也获得了基本满足实际应用需要的压缩比。

    ECG signals taken from the MIT / BIH arrhythmia database are tested , and satisfactory results in terms of clinical information preserving , quality and compress ratio are obtained .

  9. 作为一个自动化工程师,您不需要创建仅仅为数据库测试利用的测试项目(当然,除非那是您所做的所有事情)。

    As an automation engineer , you do not create test projects focused solely on database testing ( unless , of course , that is all that you are doing ) .

  10. 结果经MIT/BIH标准心电数据库测试,实验结果达到了99.51%的特异度和96.84%的灵敏度。

    Result The performance of the algorithm was evaluated on the MIT BIH arrhythmia database and the result showed that the specificity and the sensitivity for PVC reached 99.51 % and 96.84 % respectively .

  11. 论文详细介绍了实时数据库测试平台的系统框架,重点描述了系统中的实时事务并发控制的框架和实现,并且深入论述了如何在基本框架下实现牺牲重启事务策略和动态调整执行顺序方法。

    The architecture of the test platform is introduced and the architecture and implementation of concurrency control are discussed . Furthermore , how to implement sacrifice of restarted transactions and dynamic adjustment of execution order over the basic concurrency control architecture is discussed in this thesis .

  12. 用JAVA多线程技术编写数据库压力测试程序

    Program for testing database with the technology of Java 's multi-thread

  13. 选择输入数据库为测试数据仓库进行创建,并点击Next。

    Select the type of the database to create for the test datastore , and click Next .

  14. WEB数据库应用测试

    Testing WEB Database Applications

  15. 在对另一个数据库运行测试前清除id。

    Clear ids before running test against another database .

  16. Rational项目可以包含多个数据存储库,例如需求项目、变更管理(缺陷)数据库、测试数据存储库或Rose模型。

    A Rational Project can contain multiple datastores such as a requirements project , change management ( defect ) database , test datastore , or a Rose model .

  17. 事务处理性能委员会制定的数据库性能测试基准得到了广泛的认可,本文系统地论述了基于电子商务应用的网络事务性能测试基准TPCBenchmark?

    Database benchmarks defined by TPC have been adopted widely . Based on the TPC Benchmark ?

  18. 在下一个小节中,您将通过连接到DB2数据库来测试所有部分是否正常工作,并使用PHP获取一些数据。

    In the next section you 'll test that everything works by connecting to your DB2 database and you will retrieve some data using PHP .

  19. 通过对标准数据库数据测试,本文算法是可行的、高效的,比HMM方法有更高的准确率。

    Experimental results on benchmark data sets show that our algorithm is more practicable and efficient than the method of HMM.

  20. 本文根据TPCW测试基准的要求,设计并实现了一个基于TPCW的数据库性能测试系统,分析了其系统设计方案,提出了关键技术的解决方法。

    According to the requirements of TPC-W benchmark , a TPC-W performance test system for electronic commerce is presented . It 's system design scheme , key technique are analyzed .

  21. 通过基于HCL2000数据库的测试和在银行票据OCR系统中的实际应用,证明了这种方法的有效性。

    Results of experimentation based on HCL2000 and its application in Bank Check OCR system show the validity of the method .

  22. 为了对已得到的鉴别矢量集方法进行分析比较,使用Matlab鳊程实现了有关算法,并采用UCI中典型数据集以及ORL人脸图像数据库进行测试。

    In order to analyze various discriminant vector methods , some relevant feature extraction algorithms are programmed using Matlab , and tested on the classical datasets from UCI as well as ORL face database .

  23. Web-GIS操作概念和应用的主要需求在于设计合理的数据库,测试,数据库构建,GIS系统的整合。

    The main requirements for an operational conceptual and implementation of a Web-based GIS Database Systems are database planning and design , pilot / benchmark , database construction , acquisition of GIS software followed by integrating GIS System .

  24. 其中,本系统对一枚虹膜进行处理的速度小于0.2秒,在CASIA虹膜数据库上测试的EER(等错误概率)为3.9%。

    To process an iris image , this system needs only 0.2 second . The EER ( Equal Error Rate ) is 3.9 % in testing the CASIA iris library .

  25. 分析与实际测试结果表明,该系统能够根据实际应用系统配置数据库性能测试标准,较之目前国际上通用的固定模型测试标准如TPC-C等,更能够客观反映数据库实际运行性能。

    Analysis and testing results indicate that the system can configure the database performance benchmarks to more objectively reflect the actual database performance than commonly used fixed database benchmarks such as TPC-C.

  26. 实际数据库的测试结果表明,SKP算法能够有效地解决非线性问题,并且继承了感知机运算简单速度快的优点。

    The experiments on some real datasets demonstrate that the proposed SKP can solve nonlinear classification efficiently . Moreover , it has the original advantage of simple calculation and fast speed .

  27. 一个关系数据库用于测试资源的持续性。

    A relational database is used for persistence of server resources .

  28. 彩铃业务数据库性能测试与分析

    Performance Test and Analysis of Database for Color Ring Back Tone Service

  29. 数据库系统测试中测试用例的自动规范方法

    Automatic normalization method for test case in database system testing

  30. 描述如何编辑基本的数据库单元测试来添加功能。

    Describes how to edit a basic database unit test to add functionality .