
bàn fěn
  • breading
拌粉[bàn fěn]
  1. 高含水量粉料的拌粉工艺与设备

    Process and Equipment for Cathode Mix with High Moisture Content

  2. 宠物食品生产线由拌粉机、双螺杆挤出机、风送机、干燥机和涂衣机组成。

    This line consists of mixter , double-screw extruder , air conveyor , dryer and coating machine .

  3. 轻型拌粉机简介

    Introduction of light mixer

  4. 第三步拌粉、挤压为麦乐鸡加上金黄的颜色以及胡椒的辣味。

    A triple-step breading and battering process , that last of which imbues the nuggets with their decided golden hue and peppery / celery notes , comes next .

  5. 运用正交设计试验的方法,研制成由60%的粉煤灰、P·032.5水泥、激发剂和外加剂组成的干拌砂浆粉。

    The dry mixing mortar powder has been developed with fly ash 60 % , P · O32.5 cement , activator and admixture by using orthogonal design experiment method in this paper . The mortar workability is better , bleeding capacity is fewer .

  6. 粉煤灰系列干拌砂浆粉的研究

    Study on Fly Ash Series Dry-Mix Mortar Powder

  7. 相思树种子拌白僵菌粉飞机防治松毛虫试验研究

    Control of Dendrolimus Punctatus by Plane Propagation of Acacia Confusa Seeds Mixed with Beauveria Bassiana Powder

  8. 如用来拌意大利粉,把番茄酱和意大利粉在锅中用中火拌匀。

    To serve with pasta , just toss the cooked pasta with the sauce in a saucepan .

  9. 利用低品质粉煤灰研制出粉煤灰系列干拌砂浆粉。

    The fly ash series dry mixing mortar powder has been developed by using low quality of fly ash .

  10. 试验结果表明:同时采用纤维加筋和干拌橡胶粉技术,可以综合二者优势获得具有良好高温稳定性的多碎石沥青混合料;

    The results show that it can improve the high temperature stability of stone asphalt concrete by making use of the advantages of the fibers and the rubbers .

  11. 水稻芽种拌干土粉处理对机播性能的影响

    Influence of Rice Bud Seed Mixed With Dry Soil Powder on Seeding Performance

  12. 拌入蛋糕粉和盐,直至混和。

    Stir in flour and salt until combined .

  13. 一根黄瓜应该被精心地切成丝,拌上胡椒粉和醋,然后被吐出来。

    A cucumber should be well-sliced , dressed with pepper and vinegar , and then thrown out .

  14. 拌干土粉芽种的播种量变异系数为6%,比芽种裸籽的播种量变异系数小2.27%;

    The variation coefficient of uniformity of a drilling is 6 % , which is 2.27 % less than the rice bud seed without mixed with dry soil ;

  15. 通过采取掺拌生石灰粉处理成石灰改善土等施工方法保证了工程进度和质量。实践证明技术可行,经济合理。

    It is proved practical in technology and rational in economy to make use of raw lime powder mixing into earth to improve earth 's quality , thus ensuring the construction 's progress and quality .

  16. 条播试验结果表明,拌干土粉芽种的播种量标准差为3.6粒,比芽种的播种量标准差少1.36粒;

    Test result shows that the rice bud seed is mixed with dry soil powder , the standard variation of a drilling is 3.6 seeds , which is 1.36 seeds less than the rice bud seed without mixed with dry soil ;

  17. 采用了保水剂拌土+生根粉、保水剂拌土、生根粉蘸根、覆膜、覆秸秆、覆石头和覆膜+保水剂拌土七种造林技术措施,试验树种为银白杨。

    Seven different treatment measures are taken , aquasorb mix soil + rooting powder , aquasorb mix soil , rooting powder dipping the root , film mulching , straw mulching , pebble mulching , film mulching + aquasorb mix soil , and the test tree planting is populus alba .