
  • 网络racine;Jean Racine
  1. 威斯康辛州拉辛县地方检察官迈克尔·尼斯克斯(MichaelNieskes)接受福布斯采访时说,约翰逊已放弃召开审前听证会的权力。

    Michael Nieskes , District Attorney in Racine , Wisc . , told FORBES that Johnson waived his right to a pre-trial hearing .

  2. 在法语读物方面,我阅读了高乃依、莫里哀、拉辛、阿尔弗莱德·德·缪塞和圣伯夫的著作。我阅读的德语作品主要来自歌德和席勒。

    In the French course I read some of the works of Corneille , Molie , Racine , Alfred de Musset and Sainte-Beuve , and in the German those of Goethe and Schiller .

  3. 拉辛是不允许进到楼里面的。

    Lessing was restricted to the outside of the building .

  4. 斯大林对克劳塞维茨的评论,参看斯大林《给拉辛同志的复信》。

    For Stalin 's comment on Clausewitz see Stalin 's " Letter in Reply to Comrade Razin " .

  5. 阿。拉辛“还补充说在这个国家,妇女们用粗鲁的手段以及过分的词汇去对付丈夫也是一些家庭暴力事件发生的原因”,报纸还如此报道。

    Al-Razine " also pointed out that women 's indecent behavior and use of offensive words against their husbands were some of the reasons for domestic violence in the country ," it added .

  6. 早在09世纪,来自世界各地的穆斯林们就追随着大预言家易朴拉辛和穆罕默德的足迹,开始了这史诗般的麦加之旅。

    As early as the9th century , Muslims from all corners of the earth would embark on this epic journey to Mecca – following the footsteps of the great prophets Ibrahim and Mohammed .

  7. 同时,当时也是艺术(伦布兰特,弗米尔)和文学(拉辛、莫里哀、米尔顿、帕斯卡)的多产期,而不幸的是,哲学(霍布斯、洛克)并不发达。

    It was a fertile time for art ( Rembrandt , Vermeer ) and literature ( Racine , Moliere , Milton , Pascal ) and unfortunately , bad philosophy ( Hobbes , Locke ) .

  8. 有一次拉辛汗管爸爸叫“飓风先生”,这随后变成远近闻名的绰号。这个绰号可是名副其实。

    It was Rahim Khan who first referred to him as what eventually became Baba 's famous nickname , " Toophan agha , " or " Mr. Hurricane . " It was an apt enough nickname .

  9. 可以没有任何障碍的阅读巴尔扎克、莫里哀、拉辛(法国作家、讽刺诗人)、福楼拜、左拉和加缪的法语原著和借助翻译来读他们的作品是两码事。

    Being able to read Balzac , Moli è re , Racine , Flaubert , Zola and Camus in their language as no matter how good the translation may be , it 's just not the same .

  10. 但是不管怎么说,在淫雨霏霏的日子里,我总可以有事可干。就这样,我所掌握的法语知识足够使我阅读有趣的拉封丹的寓言,莫里哀的《屈打成医》,以及拉辛的《阿达莉》中的段落。

    but it gave me something to do on a rainy day , and I acquired a sufficient knowledge of French to read with pleasure La Fontaine 's " Fables , " " Le Medecin Malgr ? Lui " and passages from " Athalie . "