
  • 网络RATO;Rodrigo Rato;Lato;Grzegorz Lato;Rateau
  1. 拉托日前是在出席由主要国家决策者参加的一次会议上发表上述言论的。会上私人部门金融家敦促美联储(Fed)和欧洲央行(ECB)采取更多行动,以恢复市场信心。

    Mr de Rato was attending a conference of leading policy makers at which private-sector financiers urged the Federal Reserve in the US and the European Central Bank to do more to reassure the markets .

  2. 拉托表示,美国房地产市场的风险定价错误,引发了次级抵押贷款问题,监管者必须从中汲取教训。拉托即将辞去IMF总裁职位。

    Mr de Rato , outgoing head of the IMF , said regulators needed to learn lessons from the incorrect pricing of risk in the US housing market that led to the subprime mortgage problems .

  3. 拉托表示,各方已达成共识,认为imf第二阶段的改革必须解决治理和控制的问题,以便更好地反映“全球经济权重的变化”,以及更好地处理“低收入国家的代表问题”。

    Mr Rato said there was agreement that the second stage of IMF reform would have to address governance and control of the fund , better to reflect " changes in world economic weight " and also to tackle the " representation of low-income countries " .

  4. 拉托是在接受采访时发表上述言论的。在采访中,他似乎接受了欧洲对美元贬值的担忧。美元贬值可能会在本月的七国集团(G7)峰会和IMF年会上引发意见分歧。

    His comments came during an interview in which he appeared to endorse European concerns about the decline in the dollar ; a subject that threatens to inspire dissent at the Group of Seven summit and the IMF 's annual meeting this month .

  5. 拉托认为,总体上全球经济环境显得十分有利。

    Overall , he judged , the global environment looked quite favourable .

  6. 目前还没有针对拉托和其他高管的具体指控。

    No specific charges have been made against Mr rato or the other executives .

  7. 拉托表示,高油价增大了全球经济放缓的风险。

    Mr Rato said that the high oil price increased the risk of a worldwide economic slowdown .

  8. 拉托表示,按多种标准衡量,美元现在都“已被低估”这是一种不同寻常的大胆评价。

    Mr Rato said the dollar is now " undervalued " on many measures an unusually bold assessment .

  9. 拉托指出,信贷紧缩是一场尚未结束的“严重危机”,将在全球范围内抑制增长。

    Mr Rato said the credit squeeze was a " serious crisis " that was not over yet and would curtail growth worldwide .

  10. 一些国家也一直在努力争取提高自己的份额,但拉托表示:我认为,人们普遍认为应该提高上述4个国家的份额。

    Some countries have been pushing for more such share increases but Mr Rato said : I think there is consensus for four .

  11. 但是也有一些用户留下了好评,拉托伊雅称这款婴儿鞋让宝宝“看起来很萌、很可爱”。

    But some users left positive comments , remarking how the shoes made the infants " look adorable . " " Too cute , " wrote Latoyia .

  12. 拉托表示,美国住宅市场似乎正走出低谷,美国经济整体实现软着陆,现在看来更有把握。

    Rodrigo Rato , the IMF managing director , said the US housing market appeared to be bottoming out and a soft landing for the US economy as a whole now seemed more assured .

  13. 柏林爱乐总指挥西门拉托被指责其音乐选择过于广泛,使乐队演奏失去了它传统的又深又浓的音色。

    Sir Simon Rattle of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra has recently been criticized for leading the orchestra to play too wide a range of music and losing the orchestra 's traditional dark and rich sound .

  14. 与过去两三年相比,油价将继续处在高位。拉托表示。他的意思是指油价不会降到2003年至2004年平均每桶30至40美元以下的水平。

    Oil is going to continue at high prices in comparison to the last two-three years , he said , meaning that prices would not drop below the $ 30 - $ 40 a barrel average of 2003-2004 .

  15. 拉托将持续的高油价走势归咎于地缘政治方面的两大忧虑,即供应中断,以及在石油供应和基础设施两方面缺乏空闲产能,而基础设施问题将无法把石油提炼成汽油和其它可用产品。

    He attributed the continued high price trend to geopolitical concerns over supply interruptions and the lack of spare capacity both in oil supply and in the infrastructure needed to refine it into petrol and other usable products .