
  • 网络Cingulate cortex;subgenual-ACC
  1. 猫扣带回皮质至丘脑中央外侧核的局部定位投射&HRP法研究

    Topographical projection of cingulate cortex to the central lateral nucleus of thalamus in the cat

  2. 情绪激动与左侧岛叶和双侧前扣带回皮质的灰质密度降低具有相关性。

    Agitation was associated with decreased GM values in the left insula , and in anterior cingulate cortex bilaterally .

  3. HRP注射至吻侧丘脑中央外侧核后,标记细胞主要分布在同侧扣带回皮质前部,扣带回后部标记细胞较少,对侧扣带回前部相应部位也出现很少量HRP阳性细胞;

    After injection of HRP into rostral part of the CL , labeled cells were mainly distributed in ipsilateral anterior cingulate cortex . A few cells were also labeled in the corresponding location of the contralateral cingulate cortex .

  4. 于用药后24h,大鼠断头取脑,用半定量RT-PCR技术和免疫组织化学方法检测各组HSP70mRNA和HSP70蛋白在大鼠后扣带回皮质区的表达。

    Twenty-four hours after ketamine and / or propofol administration , the animals were decapitated and brain was removed . HSP 70 mRNA expression in the posterior cingulate cortex was detected by using semi-quantitative RT-PCR technique ; HSP 70 protein expression in posterior cingulated cortex was determined by immuno-histochemical method .

  5. 前扣带回皮质致敏与内脏高敏感的关系

    Sensitization of Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Visceral Hypersensitive Rats

  6. 这些减低区主要有额叶、颞叶、顶下小叶,岛叶,扣带回皮质等;

    Regions included frontal lobe , temporal lobe , sub-occipital lobe , insula , and cingulum cortex .

  7. 当对照组受到气味刺激时,双侧的杏仁核、梨状叶、前岛叶和扣带回皮质激活。

    When the controls perceived odors , the bilateral amygdala , piriform , and anterior insular and cingulate cortices were activated .

  8. 关节痛时,他们的大脑中间系统活动增强,包括扣带回皮质、丘脑和杏仁核。

    However , during arthritic pain , activity was increased within the medial pain system of the brain , including most of the cingulate cortex , the thalamus , and the amygdala .

  9. 动物实验发现,非人灵长目动物的运动前区皮质、感觉运动区、额叶、顶叶、颞叶岛盖、眶额皮质和扣带回皮质与吞咽功能相关。

    Animal experiments have found that the non-human primates , premotor cortex , sensorimotor area , frontal , parietal and temple operculum , orbitofrontal cortex and cingulate cortex are associated with swallowing function .

  10. 目的:利用KCl滴注大脑皮质制作大鼠皮层传播性抑制(Corticalspreadingdepression,CSD)模型,研究94-95-10L对c-fos基因在大鼠脑额顶区内扣带回、新皮质和梨状区表达的影响。

    Objective : Our aim was to study the effect of 94 95 10L on c fos gene expression in the cortex of rats with cortical spreading depression ( CSD ) induced by KCl .

  11. 结果Fos阳性神经元表达于1.前脑:扣带回、新皮质(尤其是第3和5层)、外侧隔核、杏仁中央核;

    Results Fos-LI neurons appeared in ( 1 ) Frontal brain : the cingulum , cortex ( especially in third and fifth layer ), lateral septal nucleus , central amygdaloid nucleus .

  12. 大鼠扣带回与大脑皮质运动区的神经纤维联系

    Fibrous connections between cingulate cortex and motor cortex in rat brain