- cingulated gyrus

Results ① The functional localizations of the selection of semantic task included BA 6 area in the right superior frontal gyrus , right cingulated gyrus , left middle frontal gyrus ( BA 9 area ), bilateral motor areas and premotor areas and left inferior parietal lobule .
, while some cerebral areas showed glucose metabolism heighten ( P < 0.001 ) including right frontal lobe ( superior frontal gyrus , inferior fontal gyrus , BA22 / 28 / 44 ), right cingulated gyrus , double midbrain and cerebella , etc.
An experimental study of the effects of scopolamine on rabbit P_ ( 3a ) potential
Effect of Nucleus Amygdalae and Gyrus Cinguli Lesions on Dopamine Receptor 2 in Limbic Region in Rats with Schizophrenia Produced by Methamphetamine
But activation at left medial orbitofrontal lobe , right amygdala , bilateral hippocampi and anterior cingulate gyri was different in the 2 tasks ( P0.01 ) .
Conclusion The anterior cingulated cortex may participate in the pathophysiology of psychogenic ED.
Study of diffusion tensor imaging of posterior cingulate gyrus damage in patients with Alzheimer 's disease
HRP Labeling Study on Anterior Cingulate Cortex & Ventrobasal Nucleus of the Thalamus Projection of the Rat
Effect of Electrically Stimulating Saphenous Nerve on C-fos Gene Expression in Anterior Cingulate Gyrus of Rats and Its Mechanism
RCBF was also increased in left inferior frontal gyrus and posterior cingulate gyrus .
In response controlled Go task , the normal children showed activations in right insula , cingulate gyrus and left frontal gyrus , while the ADHD children showed lower power of response in the right middle frontal gyrus .
Conclusions Lesion of nucleus amygdalae and cingulum bundle could restrain the haughty expression of dopamine receptor 2 in brim region because methamphetamine employ in rats .
The activity of SOD in frontal lobe increased ( P < 0 05 ), while in cingulate sulcus and hippocampal gyrus decreased ( P < 0 05 ) .
Besides , the areas and OD value of c-fos positive neurons in group A were significantly lower than those of group B ( P < 0.05 ) .
They found that the PD patients with mild cognitive impairment showed a trend toward reduced grey matter in the cingulate area , a brain region associated with cognitive performance .
Besides , the rCBF in cingulum of instable MCI was much lower than that in cingulum of stable MCI ( P < 0.05 ) .
Using HRP labeling techniques , we have demonstrated that there was a direct projection from anterior cingulate cortex to ventrobasal nucleus of the thalamus in the rat brain .
Objective : Our aim was to study the effect of 94 95 10L on c fos gene expression in the cortex of rats with cortical spreading depression ( CSD ) induced by KCl .
Results Fos-LI neurons appeared in ( 1 ) Frontal brain : the cingulum , cortex ( especially in third and fifth layer ), lateral septal nucleus , central amygdaloid nucleus .
These data suggest a new function for NMDA receptors in the ACC as important postsynaptic receptors involved in synaptic transmission , in particular when cells are firing at high frequencies .
After injection of HRP into rostral part of the CL , labeled cells were mainly distributed in ipsilateral anterior cingulate cortex . A few cells were also labeled in the corresponding location of the contralateral cingulate cortex .
Results SPM results showed that cerebral metabolic rates of glucose decreased in bilateral parietal lobe , temporal lobe , frontal lobe and post cingule in AD patients compared with control subjects were obviously decreased , and showed right / left hemispheric asymmetry .
The lateral segment of DM received afferent projections mainly from the medial precentral cortex , dorsal division of anterior cingulate cortex , E-W nucleus and superior colliculus , related with the function of eye movement .
When HRP was injected to ventrobasal nucleus of the thalamus , labeled cell bodies were observed in anterior cingulate cortex . The density of labeled cell bodies was higher in the dorsal area than that of in the ventral area .
Results The rectal distention stimulation increased the activity of anterior cingulate contex ( ACC ), insular cortex ( IC ), prefrontal cortex ( PFC ) and thalamus ( THAL ) in most of the volunteers and the IBS patients .
Results The blood flows of gyrus cinguli , left thalamus and right parietal lobe were related with some cognitive functions especially the memory , while there was no relationship between brain perfusion and MMSE , CISA .
Nowadays many foreign countries have widely investigated the neurobiology mechanism about PTSD , and the results indicated that the limbic system in patients with PTSD exists functional disorder , such as diminished volume in hippocampus and anterior cingutate , changed FA values in cingutate and so on .
On cued locations , left inferior parietal lobule ( IPL ), area MT / V5 , right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex ( DLPFC ) and left anterior cingulated cortex ( ACC ) were significantly activated .
WGA-HRP was injected into the dorsal part of anterior cingulate area , prelim - bic area , and dorsal agranular insular area of the prefrontal cortex in 25 rats to observe the afferent connections from the diencephalon and subcortical telencephalon .
Results SPM showed that the rCBF decreased in the bilateral frontal lobe , the left superior temporal gyrus , the left limbic lobe uncus ( Brodmann area 20 ), the left thalamus mammillary body , the right cingulate and the right putamen .