
  • 网络hang seng index;hsi
  1. 恒生指数包含香港股票市场主要股票的指数。

    HSI an index of the leading stocks on the Hong Kong stock market .

  2. 盈富基金旨在提供与恒生指数表现相符的投资回报。

    TraHK is designed to provide investment results that closely correspond to the performance of the hsi .

  3. 同期恒生指数(hangsengindex)则上涨23.5%。

    Over that period the Hang Seng Index gained 23.5 per cent .

  4. 自从8月20日以来,香港恒生指数(HangSengIndex)已累计上涨38.5%。

    Since August 20 , the Hang Seng index has risen 38.5 per cent .

  5. 应用极值理论计算在险价值(VaR)&对恒生指数的实证分析

    Calculating VaR with the Extreme Value Theory & An Empirical Analysis of Hang Seng Index

  6. 徽商银行收涨2%,香港大盘恒生指数(HangSengindex)则收跌0.7%。

    Huishang rose 2 per cent , while the Hang Seng index closed down 0.7 per cent .

  7. 他还服务于多个委员会,包括恒生指数顾问委员会(HangSengIndexAdvisoryCommittee)和香港房屋委员会(HongKongHousingAuthority)。

    He has also served on committees , including the Hang Seng Index Advisory Committee and Hong Kong Housing Authority .

  8. 基准恒生指数(HangSengIndex)下跌0.2%,其中房地产板块指数下跌3.7%。

    The benchmark Hang Seng index retreated 0.2 per cent while the property sub-index lost 3.7 per cent .

  9. 当日,恒生指数(hangseng)下跌5.7%。

    That same day , the Hang Seng stock index dropped 5.7 per cent .

  10. 在香港,基准的恒生指数(hangsengindex)同期下跌约17%。

    In Hong Kong , the benchmark Hang Seng Index has fallen about 17 per cent over the same period .

  11. 在香港,恒生指数(HangSeng)收涨3.43%。其中恒生中国企业指数(HangSengChinaEnterprisesIndex)收涨3.58%。

    In Hong Kong , the Hang Seng rose 2.9 per cent , while the China Enterprises index was 3 per cent higher .

  12. 上证指数和恒生指数的copula尾部相关性分析

    Tail Dependence Analysis of SZI HSI Based on Copula Method

  13. 普拉达的股价今年已累计上涨40%,超过了恒生指数(hangsengindex)12%的涨幅。

    Prada shares have risen 40 per cent this year , outpacing a 12 per cent rise in the Hang Seng Index .

  14. 恒生指数(HSI)下跌4.3%,收于24053.61点。

    The Hang Seng index closed 4.3 per cent lower at 24, 053.61 .

  15. 与腐败调查无关的3只房地产股票,跻身于恒生指数(hangsengindex)周五跌幅最大的4只股票之列。

    Three other property stocks , unconnected with the enquiries , rounded out the top four losers in the Hang Seng Index on Friday .

  16. 在2007年11月的上次IPO浪潮期间,恒生指数从峰顶至低谷的跌幅达17%。

    During the last big wave of IPOs in November 2007 , the Hang Seng fell 17 per cent from peak to trough .

  17. 恒生指数本周一直在反弹&但几乎没有哪只股票的涨幅能超过市场管理机构香港交易所(HongKongExchangesandClearing),该股自上周末以来上涨了近四分之一。

    Hang Seng stocks have been bouncing all week – few more than the market operator , Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing , up almost a quarter since the weekend .

  18. 香港恒生指数(HangSeng)收于25701.13点,上涨0.6%,盘中一度触及25773.60点的历史高点。

    The Hang Seng in Hong Kong rose 0.6 per cent to 25,701.13 , after hitting an all-time high of 25, 773.60 points .

  19. 恒生指数(HangSengIndex)创下有记录以来最大点数下跌之一,跌幅达5.8%,抹去了之前12个月的全部涨幅。

    The Hang Seng index suffered one of its biggest point drops on record , shedding 5.8 per cent to erase all its gains over the previous 12 months .

  20. 自该消息于8月中旬宣布以来,香港恒生指数(HangSengIndex)已累计上涨26.1%,抹去了信贷紧缩期间的跌幅。

    Since the announcement in the middle of August , Hong Kong 's Hang Seng index has climbed 26.1 per cent and erased losses suffered during the credit crunch .

  21. 最后本文还对香港恒生指数进行了实证分析,讨论了稳健VaR方法的可行性。

    Finally , the measurement of Robust VaR is applied to the Hong Kong Hang Seng index and the empirical analysis is carried out , discussing the feasibility of it .

  22. 最后,对恒生指数日收盘价时间序列进行相空间重构,对其关联维数以及Kolmogorov熵进行了计算。

    At last , we do the reconstruction of the phase space and compute its correlation dimension and Kolmogorov entropy .

  23. 实际上,全球股市本周一直大幅下挫,过去3天,恒生指数(hangseng)已累计下跌近4%。

    Indeed , global equity markets have fallen sharply this week , with the Hang Seng down by almost 4 per cent over the past three days .

  24. 自今年年初以来,在香港上市的中国地产类股已下跌40%,而基准的恒生指数(HangSengIndex)同期内的跌幅为22%。

    Since the start of the year , Chinese property stocks listed in Hong Kong have declined 40 per cent , compared to a 22 per cent fall in the benchmark Hang Seng index .

  25. 据彭博(Bloomberg)数据显示,利丰股价今年以来已经跌去约三分之一,是恒生指数(HangSengIndex)中表现第二差的股票。

    Shares in Li & Fung had fallen by about a third so far this year and it is the second-worst performer on the Hang Seng index , according to Bloomberg data .

  26. 香港恒生指数(HangSengindex)——包括香港蓝筹股和中国内地领先企业的红筹股——本月已上涨逾10%,今年1月以来累计上涨25%。

    Hong Kong 's Hang Seng index - comprisingHong Kong blue-chips as well as leading China " red " chips - has rallied by more than one-tenth this month , and returned one-quarter since January .

  27. 不过,随着香港基准的恒生指数(HSI)开始从去年11月的历史高位回落,上市已变得更加困难。

    But since Hong Kong 's benchmark Hang Seng index began retreating from record highs in November , pursuing a listing has become more arduous .

  28. 拿恒生指数第二大成份股公司、权重为8%的中国移动(ChinaMobile)来说,尽管该公司占据了中国移动服务市场70%的份额,但它的股价在过去3年却变化不大。

    Take China Mobile , the second biggest stock in the Hang Seng , with an 8 per cent weighting . Although the company has a 70 per cent share of the Chinese mobile services market , its shares have traded more or less unchanged for the past three years .

  29. 比亚迪也在香港上市,其H股股价在过去一年里下跌57%,而同期内恒生指数(HangSengIndex)大盘上涨11%。

    BYD shares in Hong Kong , where the company is also listed , have fallen 57 per cent in the past year , compared with an 11 per cent rise for the Hang Seng index .

  30. 他的这番言论引发了该公司再次派发巨额股息的猜测,和记电讯国际股价今年仅下跌16%,而基准恒生指数(hangsengindex)跌幅已达49%。

    His statement fuelled speculation of another big payout from the company , which has dropped only 16 per cent this year , compared with a 49 per cent decline in the benchmark Hang Seng Index .