
wēi zhèn
  • microseism;tremor;slight shock
  1. 煤与瓦斯突出影响因素及微震前兆分析

    Analysis of Influencing Factors of Coal and Gas Outburst and Microseism Precusor

  2. 用于地质灾害监测预测的微震四维观测技术

    Application of 4-D Microseism Observation Technique to Geological Hazard Monitoring and Forecasting

  3. 微震监测揭示的C型采场空间结构及应力场

    C-shaped strata spatial structure and stress field in longwall face monitored by microseismic monitoring

  4. 地动是由P冲击波和S冲击波引起的,也称为初期微震。

    Tremors are caused by P and S shock waves and are also called preliminary tremors .

  5. 结合时间进程图、微震事件b值和体变势一阶差分的分析,可以实现短、中期微震大事件的预报预测。

    Analysis of potential first-order differential 、 microseismic events B value and combined with time process graph can realize the short and mid microseismic events forecast .

  6. 作者采用P波和S波到时差重新进行了震源定位,得到184次微震的定位结果,连同1998年1~2月张北震区3级以上地震事件定位结果一起勾画出6.2级地震的震源破裂带。

    These micro-earthquakes together with the relocated earthquakes with magnitude large than 3.0 occurred along Zhangbei seismic zone in January 1998 outline a focal rupture belt of M6.2 earthquake .

  7. 以往基于DSP或其他单片机的微震系统,其资源的有限性很难达到理想的采集效果,并且难以完成先进算法的实现;

    Previous microseismic systems based on DSP or single chip can 't reach the desired data collection due to its limitation , neither realize the advanced algorithm .

  8. 用震源扫描算法(SSA)进行微震的定位

    Micro-earthquake location by means of Source-Scanning Algorithm

  9. 地震分两种类型:一种是微震活动,初动呈象限分布的双力偶滑动型震源机制,S波能量高于P波能量。

    There are two types of microearthquakes : one is the microearthquakes the first motion of which distributed in a quadrant belongs to double-couple sliding focal mechanism , with S wave energy higher than P wave energy .

  10. 利用兰州临时微震台网的数字记录对2006年4月19日兰州MS2.5地震进行了定位和震源机制反演,用P波初动和矩张量反演方法得出的震源机制具有较好的一致性。

    Locating and source mechanism inverting of Lanzhou M_S2.5 earthquake on April 19,2006 are done using the records of Lanzhou temporary digital microquake network . The source mechanism solutions obtained by using two methods ( the initial motion of P wave and moment tensor inverting ) show identically .

  11. 初步结果表明:在一个地震系列中,随着临近较强地震(ML≥3.2)的发生,微震P波在10周&60周频率范围内的谱值增高,其置信水平一般在70%以上。

    The preliminary results show that the amplitudes of the spectra of microearthquake P waves in the frequency range 10 cps-60 cps increase before the occurrences of larger earthquakes ( ML ≥ 3.2 ), and decrease after them within the corresponding frequency ranges .

  12. FVB-K系列抗结露微震扁袋除尘器

    FVB-K Series of Anti-dewfall Micro-vibrating Band-bag Duster

  13. 微震通常系指ML≥1.0或ML≥2.0的地震,研究这类微震活动在临近大地震发生前的变化,具有重要意义。

    The microquakes , usually , mean the MS ≥ 1.0 , MS ≥ 2.0 earthquakes . Therefore , to study the change of microseismicity imminent the large earthquake is very significant .

  14. 利用美国国家地震信息中心(NEIC)的地震早期警报系统(EEAS),通过对实际数字化地震记录的分析,针对各种可能出现的情况,对微震事件的自动识别和计算机实时处理进行了讨论。

    Using the Earthquake Early Alerting Service ( EEAS ) in National Earthquake Information Center ( NEIC ) in USA , by analyzing the actual digitalized seismic records , the authors discuss the automatic recognition and computer real-time process of microseisms in all kinds of possible situations .

  15. 多通道微震监测技术在大爆破余震监测中的应用

    Application for monitoring large blast aftershocks by multi-channel microseismic monitoring technology

  16. 微震仪设计试验中的一些问题

    Some problems in the design of type 581 micro - seismograph

  17. 用数字记录资料测定腾冲火山区的微震参数

    Measuring parameters of microseisms in Tengchong volcano areas by digital data

  18. 活塞式气垫微震压实造型机气垫轴承捻股机

    The Slight Shock Squeeze Moulding Machine in Piston With Pneumatic Cushion

  19. 石油化工工程设施的防雷微震仪有线传输避雷研究

    A study on lightning prevention of telephone line transmission of microseismographs

  20. 基于微震监测技术的矿山高应力区采动研究

    Research of mining based on microseismic monitoring technology in high-stress area

  21. 试论微震监测技术在地下工程中的应用

    Discussion on Microseismic Monitoring Technology and Its Applications to Underground Projects

  22. 强震与微震观测系统的研究

    Research on the system of strong earthquake observation and slight earthquake observation

  23. 南冲绳海槽海域微震活动的初步探讨

    Preliminary study of the microseismicity in the southern Okinawa Trough

  24. 小型气动微震造型机在小型铸造厂的应用

    Application of Small Pneumatic Micro-Jolt Molding Machine in Small Foundry

  25. 微震监测技术在南泥湾油田长6油藏的应用

    The application of micro-quake suspecting technology at Chang-6 layer of Nanniwan oilfield

  26. 腾冲火山区微震类型与波谱分析

    Types of microseisms and spectrum analyses in Tengchong volcano areas

  27. 微震监测技术在矿山安全管理中的应用

    Application of micro seismic monitoring technology in safety management at domestic mine

  28. 深井矿山岩爆灾害微震监测技术应用研究

    Application of ground pressure disasters micro-seismic monitoring technique in deep level mining

  29. 微震监测系统在矿山灾害救援中应用

    Application of microseismic monitoring system for mine dynamic disaster relief

  30. 复小波包域的微震信号分析提取方法

    Microseismic Signal Analysis and Extraction Method in Complex Wavelet Field