
  • 网络chemical composition of groundwater;chemical constituents in groundwater
  1. 过渡带地下水化学成分不是淡水和海水的简单混合,阳离子交换在其中起了重要作用。

    The chemical composition of groundwater in the transition zone is not a simple mixture of local fresh water and sea water , in which the canon-exchange played an important role .

  2. 基于灰色关联度的地下水化学成分分析

    Analysis on Groundwater Chemical Composition Based on Gray Relation

  3. 本文研究了在这种复杂条件下地下水化学成分变化成因模型。

    A model of groundwater chemical composition genesis in such complicated conditions is presented in this paper .

  4. 潍坊咸-卤水入侵引起的地下水化学成分变化及其对环境的影响

    Chemical composition variation in groundwater caused by salt brine water intrusion and its affection to environment in Weifang Area

  5. 1991年,英国地质调查局对孟加拉国中部和东北部的地下水化学成分进行了一个试验性质的研究。

    In1991 the BGS carried out a pilot research study into the chemistry of groundwater in central and northeast Bangladesh .

  6. 因子1以Na+,HCO3-和F-为主,揭示了土壤的溶滤作用对地下水化学成分的影响;

    The first main factor mainly composed of Na ~ + , HCO ~ - _3 and F ~ - , it shows the influence of the leaching in soil .

  7. 矿化度是地下水化学成分测定的重要指标,在环境监测中,用重量法测定矿化度是目前普遍采用的方法。

    The degree of mineralization is an important index of groundwater analysis . In environmental monitoring the conventional method to determine the degree of mineralization for groundwater is weight method .

  8. 因子2以Cl-,SO42-和Ca2+为主,反映蒸发浓缩作用对地下水化学成分的影响;

    The second factor is made up of Cl ~ - , SO ~ ( 2 - ) _4 and Ca ~ ( 2 + ), which reflects the evaporation of groundwater .

  9. 分析了糯扎渡水电站坝址区地下水化学成分、水质特征和形成机制,并应用图示法和聚类分析法,探讨了坝区地下水化学特征及其规律。

    The chemical components , quality properties and genetic mechanism of the groundwater are analyzed . The groundwater chemical properties and their rules in the dam area are discussed by using the methods of graphology and cluster analysis .

  10. 因子4以NO3-为主,反映了人类活动(化肥和农药的广泛施用、大中城市的生活污水和工业污水的污染)对地下水化学成分的影响作用。

    The forth main factor is NO ~ - _3 and Fe ~ ( 3 + ), which reflects the impacts of human activities , such as the widely use of fertilizer and pesticide , the pollution of sewage from life and industry .

  11. 利用岩溶水长期水化学监测资料进行数理统计和制图,揭示了不同类型岩溶地下水化学成分的变化与降水丰、枯季节、丰枯周期年变化的规律性。

    Mathematical statistics and maps drawn with long term hydrochemical monitoring data of karst water show the varying regularity of hydrochemical compositions of different types karst underground water with precipitation high and low water period as well as high and low water circle year .

  12. 新疆和田地下水水化学成分特征灰关联分析

    The Properties of Groundwater Chemical Composition by Gray Relevancy Analysis in Hotan , Xinjiang

  13. 而且岩浆岩体的存在对地下水的化学成分还有一定的影响。

    And existing of magmatic rock bodies have certain influence on groundwater chemical constituents .

  14. 干旱区绿洲地下水水化学成分形成及演化机制研究

    Study on Hydrochemical Composition Formation and Evolution Mechanisms of the Groundwater in Oasis of Arid Areas

  15. 通过长期监测地下水中水化学成分的变化,就有可能为预测预报地震提供一种新的前兆信息。

    Through long-term monitoring of the change of the chemical composition of groundwater , a new kind of premonitory information for earthquake prediction may be provided .

  16. 显然,还有许多因素可引起地下水中化学成分、含量的变化,为研究其变化机理问题,需要进一步的实验及现场观测。

    Apparently , there are many factors which would give rise to variations of the chemical composition and content of the matter contained in groundwater . To understand the mechanism of these variations , more experiments in the laboratory and in the field are needed .

  17. 通过对地下水水质的化学成分分析,表明污水灌溉对地下水水质的影响不大。

    The analysis on chemical composition of groundwater quality showed that irrigation water has little effect on groundwater quality .

  18. 地下水是一种化学成分复杂的物理化学体系。

    Groundwater is a physical - chemical system with complex chemical composition .

  19. 3通过对地下水形成影响因素的研究,表明地下水化学成分的变化主要受地下水补给水源水化学性质、水岩作用和混合作用、蒸发浓缩作用以及区域内盐渍化土壤的影响。

    Studying on the formation of groundwater shows that the recharging water , water-rock interaction , mixing process , evaporation and salt-affected soil contribute to the groundwater composition .

  20. 本文对邯郸市地下水的水质分析成果报告进行了统计,在介绍市区地下水的化学成分基础上,来评价建筑场地地下水对混凝土的腐蚀性,并分析其腐蚀性原因。

    This paper provides the chemical composition of groundwater in urban area of Handan city and makes an evaluation of the concrete erosion of groundwater in a construction site .

  21. 应用于河西走廊地下水及环境评价,实现了对地下水及其环境信息的动态管理,得到了区域地下水化学成分的形成及分布规律。

    The application of HSIS in Hexi corridor shows that this system is useful to evaluate groundwater and environment , to realizes dynamic mana - ( gement ) for the information of groundwater and environment , to explore the law of groundwater chemical composition formation and distribution in this area .