
  • 网络Ministry of Construction
  1. 作者介绍了由日本国建设省组织的联合研究开发项目(1995~1998)以及近期按基于性能设计修订的建筑标准的工作情况。

    The paper introduces the activities associated with the Integrated Research Development Project ( 1995-1998 ) organized by Ministry of Construction , Japanese Government , and current efforts to revise the Building Standard Law toward the performance-based design format in Japan .

  2. 从政之前,松下忠洋曾在日本建设省工作。

    Before entering politics , he worked within the Construction Ministry .

  3. LNG小区汽化站建设投资省、见效快、方式灵活;

    LNG gasification stations can be built up in communities in a short time , with a small investment and in flexible ways ;

  4. 建设山西省G.655光缆干线传输网

    To Build Shanxi G.655 Main Line Transmission Network

  5. 安徽STYS建设和省台预报技术进步

    STYS Construction and Prediction Skill Advance of Meteorological Observatory of Anhui Province

  6. 建设江西省本质安全型工业园区研究

    Research on the Construction of Jiangxi Provincial Inherent Safety Industrial Park

  7. 九十年代建设海南省博物馆群体的探讨

    Approaching the group of museums in Hainan province in 1990s

  8. 论建设生态省的法制保障

    Discussion on the Legal Guarantee for the Construction of the Geological Province

  9. 建设贵州省电子产品公共检测平台的研究

    Study on the Public Detection Platform for Electronic Products in Guizhou Province

  10. 确立建设生态省的科学指导思想

    Scientific Guiding Ideology of Establishing Fujian as an Ecological Province

  11. 建设生态省的战略意义与对策思考

    Strategic Significance of Building Ecological Province and Thinking of Measure

  12. 福建建设生态省的条件分析

    Analysis on Conditions for Developing Fujian into an Ecological Province

  13. 与时俱进,建设海南省网络图书馆

    Marching with the Times and Building the Network Library of Hainan Province

  14. 关于建设山西省软件创业园的建议

    Suggestions about the Construction of Shanxi Provincial Software Park

  15. 建设广东省地震灾害紧急救援工作体系的思考与建议

    Building the work system of emergency rescue for seismic hazard in Guangdong Province

  16. 关于建设广东省信用安全环境的建议

    Proposals for Building a Credit Security Environment in Guangdong

  17. 关于建设山西省交通专用通信网的思考

    Discussion on Establishing Shanxi Traffic Special Communication Net

  18. 建设山西省医学科技文献信息资源与服务平台

    Building the Medical Scientific and Technical Literature Information Resources and Service Platform in Shanxi

  19. 山东加速建设生态省

    Shandong Province Step Up the Ecological Development

  20. OnTheSlowNature令人敬畏的箭毒木海南建设生态省的理论依据及其长期性和艰巨性

    Theoretic Foundation and the Protracted and Formidable Nature for the Construction of Ecological Province in Hainan

  21. 建设福建省脐血干细胞库的可行性研究

    The Feasibility Study on the Establishment of " Fujian Province Cord Blood Stem Cell Bank "

  22. 研究结果对于解决因农业快速发展带来的环境污染和资源浪费问题,实现农业可持续发展,建设生态省具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    It has very important practical significance to solve environmentpollution 、 resource waste and agricultural sustainable development .

  23. 建设生态省是福建省委、政府提出的一项重大战略举措。

    Constructing Fujian province ecologically is a huge strategic decision of Fujian provincial Party committee and provincial government .

  24. 学习借鉴香港公共图书馆经验,努力建设广东省公共图书馆服务体系

    Referencing the Experience of Hong Kong Public Library , Construct the Service System of Public Library of Guangdong Province

  25. 在中国乃至世界美术领域,女性主义艺术批评缺乏学理上系统梳理和人类学意义上的建设性省思。

    In the art field in China and the world , the feminist lack of the research and construction .

  26. 城市发展战略应当围绕“建设广东省第三大城市”的目标来制定。

    So its developmental strategy should be formulated on the target of establishing the third biggest city of Guangdong .

  27. 海疆勘界信息体系建设是省、县际海疆勘界工作的主要组成部门。

    Construction of marine delimitation 's GIS is an important part of provincial and civic marine delimitation 's work .

  28. 长白山生态经济区是吉林省建设生态省规划的省一级生态经济区之一。

    Ecological economy region in Changbai mountain is one of regions which Jilin province programs to construct the ecological province .

  29. 建设生态省对实施“三大战略”有着重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义,并且有着坚实的哲学基础。

    It has important realistic and deep historic significance and solid philosophic basis in carrying out " Three Big Strategies " .

  30. 贵州省人民政府决定建设贵州省博物馆新馆。

    The People 's Government of Guizhou Province has made the decision to construct a new museum building for Guizhou Provincial Museum .