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xí juǎn
  • sweep across;roll up like a mat;carry everything with one;take away everything
席卷 [xí juǎn]
  • (1) [carry everything with one;roll up like a mat]∶形容卷东西像卷席子一样

  • 三秦如席卷, 燕赵一齐休。--《三国志平话》

  • 席卷天下。--汉. 贾谊《过秦论》

  • (2) [sweep across]∶迅速有力地掠过

  • 飓风席卷该岛屿,摧毁了岛上所有的建筑物

席卷[xí juǎn]
  1. 但如果从二战以后美苏发动的席卷全球的“冷战”的视角来看,中美关系的发展道路又十分的合情合理。

    But if sees at the war from two angle of view to roll up like a mat " cold war " of the whole world that the US and USSR starts later on , the development road of Sino-U.

  2. 亚洲航空公司并未受到席卷美国的撤销管制浪潮的影响。

    Asian airlines remain untouched by the deregulation that has swept America

  3. 今晚一场森林大火正席卷缅因州北部的部分地区。

    A forest fire is sweeping across portions of north Maine this evening

  4. 战争的浪潮回过头来席卷了全国。

    The tide of war swept back across their country .

  5. 暴风雨径直席卷该岛,摧毁了建筑,淹没了街道。

    A storm moved directly over the island , demolishing buildings and flooding streets

  6. 饥荒再次席卷了那个蒙昧的国家。

    Famine hit that benighted country once more .

  7. 一场猛烈的暴风雨席卷了该地区。

    A violent storm had struck the area .

  8. 一场流感正席卷莫斯科。

    A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow .

  9. 寒冷的天气继续席卷整个英国。

    Wintry weather continues to sweep across Britain

  10. 暴风雨席卷全国,使道路无法通行,渡船受袭,多达30人遇难。

    Storms swept the country , closing roads , buffeting ferries and killing as many as 30 people .

  11. 海风席卷过甲板。

    The sea wind swept over the deck .

  12. 失业现象席卷全国。

    Unemployment has swept across the whole country .

  13. 这种狂热正席卷日本。

    The craze is sweeping over Japan .

  14. 破坏性极大的飓风席卷了城市中心地区。

    This devastating hurricane passed right through the heart of the city .

  15. 反腐倡廉运动席卷全国。

    The campaign against corruption and for clean government is sweeping across the country .

  16. 势不可挡的起义席卷了许多大城市。

    Overwhelming rebellion occupied many big cities .

  17. 但这场风暴还在席卷。

    But the gale is still blowing .

  18. 科技的影响将像龙卷风一样蔓延,首先冲击发达国家,但最终也会席卷贫穷国家。

    Technology 's impact will fed like a tornado , hitting the rich world first , but eventually sweeping through poorer countries too .

  19. 1964年2月7日,披头士狂热席卷了纽约。

    Beatlemania hit New York on February 7 , 1964 .

  20. 下午一大早,当他打算回家时,一场猛烈的暴风雪席卷了这个地区。

    In the early afternoon , when he was planning to go home , a fierce snowstorm swept into the area .

  21. 不管是好是坏,它们已经席卷了世界。

    For better or worse , they have taken the world by storm .

  22. 当今时代,消费主义呈现席卷全球之势

    Consumption ideological trend engulfs the entire world at present age .

  23. 数十亿只周期蝉破土而出,席卷美国东部。

    Billions of periodical cicadas emerging out of the earth and overtaking the eastern United States .

  24. 如今,又有了“奶奶企业家”,她们冲破职场“银色屋顶”,席卷整个商务领域。

    And now we have so-called " granpreneurs " who are breaking the " silver ceiling " and taking the business world by storm .

  25. 这款90年代的经典发型因金·凯瑞在《阿呆与阿瓜》里的形象而闻名,近年来深受众多明星青睐,从蕾哈娜、罗伯特·帕丁森到莉娜·丹恩、麦莉·赛勒斯,都爱留这种西瓜头。如今这种发型正以野火燎原之势席卷潮人圈。

    The statement Nineties chop , made famous by Jim Carrey 's Lloyd Christmas in Dumb And Dumber , has graced the heads of celebrities .

  26. 一阵分享个人藏书照片的新风潮正席卷社交媒体,这种拍下个人藏书的行为叫作“书架自拍”。

    A new trend for sharing photographs of one 's book collection has taken social media by storm , which is dubbed the ' shelfie ' .

  27. “虎妈”热潮席卷全球,在全世界引发热烈讨论。与此同时与“虎妈”采取截然相反方法的芬兰教育系统也引起了关注。

    While " Tiger Mom " touched off a huge wave of debate around the world , the opposite method from Finland 's education system is also drawing widespread attention .

  28. Asyouknow,catastrophehasstruckournation,hasstrucktheworld.正如大家知道的,灾难席卷了美国,席卷了整个世界。

    As you know , catastrophe has struck our nation , has struck the world .

  29. 随着我国加入WTO,国内外两个市场即将接轨,经济全球化的浪潮也将席卷中国市场。

    With our country into WTO , and the communion of enterprises , the economic globalization will sweep the market of China .

  30. 我更多地是想在这场席卷整个Java™技术社区的潮流中,做一些自己的贡献。

    More than anything , I want to shed some light on this impressive movement sweeping through the Java ™ technology community .