
xí wèi
  • seat
席位 [xí wèi]
  • [seat] 个人或团体在会场上所占的坐位,特指议会中的席位

  • 保留席位

席位[xí wèi]
  1. 我居住的选区是工党的稳得席位。

    The constituency I live in is a safe Labour seat .

  2. 同年,他首次尝试进入国会,但没有赢得席位。

    His first tilt at Parliament came in the same year but he failed to win the seat

  3. 理事会的多数席位将由工商界代表担任。

    The majority of seats on the board will be held by business representatives .

  4. 众议院的席位是根据各州的人口分配的。

    The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the population of each state .

  5. 那个新的政党提名了15名候选人竞争22个席位。

    The new party is putting up 15 candidates for 22 seats

  6. 无党派候选人在地方议会选举中赢得了多数席位。

    Independent candidates won the majority of seats on the local council .

  7. 他们在选举中惨败,仅获得微不足道的3个席位。

    They suffered an electoral catastrophe , winning a paltry 3 seats .

  8. 双方将在12月16日再次交锋以争夺进入四分之一决赛的席位。

    The sides must battle again for a quarter-final place on December 16

  9. 所有候选人都在管理委员会赢得了席位。

    All the candidates won places on the ruling council

  10. 在洛杉矶,女性参选了几乎所有的竞争席位。

    Women are running in nearly all the contested seats in Los Angeles .

  11. 席位被分配给了赢得选票最多的候选人。

    The seats are allotted to the candidates who have won the most votes

  12. 参议院三分之一的席位和众议院所有席位都面临改选。

    A third of the Senate and the entire House are up for re-election .

  13. 该党刚刚竞选失利,同时还失去了许多席位。

    The party has just lost office and with it a substantial number of seats

  14. 阿马托先生的政府在下议院仅以16席的优势占有多数席位。

    Signor Amato 's government has only a 16-seat majority in the Chamber of Deputies .

  15. 他期望能获得一些席位,或许还能参与新政府的执政。

    He is counting on winning seats and perhaps a share in the new government .

  16. 他正期望着能赢得一些席位,或许还能成为马其顿新政府的一员。

    He is counting on winning seats and perhaps a share in the new government of Macedonia .

  17. 我们最终获得了近50个席位,是苏格兰政党里赢得席位最多的。

    We have a net gain of nearly 50 seats , the biggest for any party in Scotland

  18. 从今以后,选票数量未达到总数5%的党派将不能在议会里占有席位。

    Henceforth , parties which fail to get 5 % of the vote will not be represented in parliament

  19. 她的教练昨天说,她将是英国奥运代表队席位的有力争夺者。

    Her trainer said yesterday that she would be a strong contender for a place in Britain 's Olympic squad

  20. 超过90%的选票已经计过,自由党人应该能获得将近1/3的席位。

    With more than 90 percent of the votes counted , the Liberals should win nearly a third of the seats .

  21. 任何政党只有获得至少5%的选票才能够在新一届议会中获得一个席位。很多政党都过不了这个门槛。

    No party is entitled to a seat in the new parliament unless it gets at least 5 per cent of the vote . Many will fail to cross that threshold .

  22. 反对党获得62个席位。

    The Opposition won 62 seats .

  23. 有多少人在竞争市议会的这个席位?

    How many people are contesting this seat on the city council ?

  24. 左翼党派赢得了议会席位。

    The pink parties won seat in parliament .

  25. 教堂唱诗班的席位建于14世纪。

    The choir dates from the14th century .

  26. 她在选举中赢得了议会中的席位。

    She won a seat in Parliament at the election .

  27. 军队的角色被牢固确立,宪法赋予军队四分之一的议会席位

    It entrenches the army 's role guaranteeing it a quarter of parliamentary seats .

  28. 你们选择了将自己与那些盗取了你们存在之真正席位的人相校准

    You have chosen align yourself with those who have purloined the very seat of your existence .

  29. 如果CEO默多克能放弃他的董事会席位,或许新闻集团可以成立一个真正独立的董事会。

    Perhaps if CEO Murdoch gave up his board seat , a truly independent board could be installed .

  30. 购买VIP席位的观众,附送五星鸡尾酒会贵宾券;

    Purchase a VIP ticket , and receive a luxury pre-performance and interval Cocktail Reception ticket .