
shòu dàn
  • birthday
寿诞 [shòu dàn]
  • [birthday] 寿辰

  1. 他的传记特别安排在他的70寿诞庆典时出版。

    Publication of his biography was timed to coincide with his 70th birthday celebrations .

  2. 本周我们庆祝我们这个时代备受尊崇的一个人的八十寿诞,她所具有的使命感和所做出的贡献对我们的国家,我们的共和国以及世界都产生了深远的影响。

    This week we celebrate the80th birthday of one of the most respected people of our times , whose sense of duty and service has had a profound impact on our country , the Commonwealth and the world .

  3. 当代农村寿诞礼俗的传承与变迁(1949年以来)

    The Inheritance and Transition of Contemporary Rural Longevity and Nativity Ceremony ( Since 1949 )

  4. 寿乃五福之首,诞乃出生之大礼,寿诞礼都是对生命的纪念和祝福,是人生仪礼的重要组成部分。

    The longevity and nativity ceremony is not only commemoration and blessing of life , but also important parts of life rite .