
  • 网络Audit trail
  1. Oracle允许审计跟踪用户和对象。

    Oracle allows you to audit trail users and objects .

  2. UNIX的审计跟踪与入侵活动分析

    Audit Trail and Intrusion Detection on UNIX

  3. WINDOWSnt通过用户帐号、域管理、权限设置及审计跟踪等一系列措施保证网络的安全。

    Windows NT Safety is ensured by means of user account , domain safety management , permission device and audit track .

  4. 它可以生成对一系列预定义的数据库事件的审计跟踪,并允许DBA维护审计跟踪。

    It generates and allows a DBA to maintain an audit trail for a series of predefined database events .

  5. 这些CBE事件可以提供详细、综合的JRules服务审计跟踪。

    These CBE events can provide detailed and integrated audit trails of the JRules services .

  6. 可以使用db2audit实用程序进行审计跟踪。

    The db2audit utility can be used for this purpose .

  7. addBook操作需要一个审计跟踪,以跟踪是谁添加了图书(通过对请求消息进行签名实现)。

    The addBook operation needs an audit trail to track who added each book ( implemented by signing of the request messages ) .

  8. 数据分析模块采用基于BPF模型的网络信息过滤机制,基于规则库和数据统计的方法,对原始数据进行匹配和分析,检测出各类入侵安全事件,得到审计跟踪记录。

    The data analysis module was based on the BPF model network information filters mechanism , it matched and analyzed the origin audit data according to the rule library based on the rule library and statistics .

  9. 基于内容的安全审计跟踪算法及其应用研究

    Research on Content-Based Security Audit Trailing Algorithm and Applications

  10. 通过审计跟踪进行活动分析。

    Audit trails to permit the analysis of activity .

  11. 分析了审计跟踪遇到的问题及基本原理,探讨了基于审计的入侵检测系统的目标及关键技术。

    This paper discusses the goal and the key technique about audit-based and intrusion detection system .

  12. 提供了审计跟踪。

    It provides an audit trail .

  13. 审计跟踪与入侵检测

    Audit Trail and Intrusion Detection

  14. 采用审计跟踪的方法,同时让应用程序或作业管理软件维护使用日志。

    With an audit trail , where the application or the job management software maintains a log of usage .

  15. 例如,所有用例都服从权限控制,审计跟踪,个性化,等等。

    For example , all use cases are subject to access control , audit trail , personalization , and so on .

  16. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加与容器、工作站或卷相关的事件的审计跟踪日志。

    Drag onto the page to add an audit trail log of events associated with containers , workstations , or volumes .

  17. 这将为遵从性或其他目的(比如收取服务使用费用)提供一个审计跟踪。

    This may provide an audit trail for compliance reasons , or for other purposes , such as charging for the use of the service .

  18. 从今年7月起,英国所有的电子电气设备生产商都必须有能力对自己的全部产品进行审计跟踪。

    From July , all UK producers of electrical and electronic equipment must have the capacity to provide an audit trail of all their output .

  19. 应当考虑到使得系统能够建立一个完整的输入和修改记录(作为“审计跟踪”)。

    Consideration should be given to building into the system the creation of a complete record of all entries and amendments ( an " audit trail ") .

  20. 在数据库安全系统中,访问控制主要有4种技术得以运用:防火墙技术、身份鉴别与认证技术、存取权限控制技术、审计跟踪技术。

    In a data security system , there are four techniques for access control : firewall technique , ID authorization , access privilege control technique and audit tracking technique .

  21. 在这里可以看到规则调用的审计跟踪,这提供触发的规则和执行的规则流等有用的信息。

    You can view the audit trails of the rules invocation here , which provide useful information such as the rules fired as well as the flow of rules executed .

  22. 报告准则中增加环境审计跟踪报告,使公众能了解环境事项的长期影响,是对报告准则的完善。

    In these standards , it added the environmental audit trailing reports , in order to understand the long-term impact of environmental matters for human , and it perfected the reporting standards .

  23. 要么象更改帐户状态的副作用那样,程序应该自动备份;要么程序必须维护一个审计跟踪以便撤销更改。

    Either the program should back up automatically as a side effect of changing the state of an account , or the program must maintain an audit trail that lets you undo the changes .

  24. 首先介绍数据库安全系统的基本理论,讨论了保证数据库安全所采取的技术手段和措施,包括:身份认证、存取控制、数据加密、审计跟踪和攻击检测和数据恢复等。

    The basic theory of database security system is introduced and the techniques and methods to protect database are discussed , including authentication , access control , data encryption , accountability , intrusion detection and data recovery .

  25. 每个法律法规都侧重于独特的方面,但是它们都要求组织探测、记录和纠正对敏感数据的未授权访问和更改,包括由特权用户执行的操作,还要求提供安全审计跟踪以便检验遵从性。

    Each mandate has unique aspects , but they generally require organizations to detect , record , and remediate unauthorized access or changes to sensitive data , including those by privileged users , while providing a secure audit trail to validate compliance .

  26. 对重大项目要进行专项审计和跟踪审计。

    Major projects should be subject to special and follow-up auditing .

  27. 完全审计,跟踪,以及变更的详细历史

    Full audit , traceability , and detailed history of change

  28. 强烈建议定期备份这两个服务器日志文件,因为它们包含审计和跟踪身份验证事件所需的所有信息。

    It is highly recommended to regularly back up both the server log files , as they contain all the information required for auditing and tracing of authentication events .

  29. 审计机关强化跟踪审计的若干思考&基于大连市审计机关开展跟踪审计的实践

    Considering on Auditing Authorities Tighten Follow-up Auditing & On the basis of the practice of Dalian audit institutions on Follow-up Auditing

  30. 所有金融交易必须为强制审计记录提供可跟踪性和防篡改机制(SarbanesOxley)

    All financial transactions must provide traceability and tamper proof mechanisms for mandatory audit records . ( Sarbanes Oxley )