
  • 网络Auditing;audit information
  1. 基于Web的维修工程决算审计信息系统的开发与设计

    The Development and Design of Web - based Returns Audit Information System for Maintenance Works

  2. 工作流审计信息的XML模式表达及分析

    XML Schema Representation and Analysis of Workflow Audit Information

  3. 事务审计信息日志(TAIL)

    Transaction audit information log ( TAIL )

  4. 关于Linux审计信息的获取

    Getting Audit Information in Linux

  5. 重点建设项目远程审计信息系统(VitalConstructionProjectAuditingInformationSystem,简称VCPAIS)是一个利用计算机网络和审计软件对重点建设项目实施远程审计的系统。

    Vital Construction project Auditing Information System is a system which supervise the activities in total cycle life of construction project remotely by means of computer network and auditing software .

  6. 基于IPS原理的医院内部审计信息系统设计

    The Hospital Management Audit Information System Design Based On IPS

  7. 帐号、权限和审计信息存储于一个嵌入式Hypersonic数据库中。

    The account , privilege and audit information is stored in an embedded Hypersonic database .

  8. 通过编写核心监控模块和记录构造模块,实现了在Linux系统下获取各种审计信息。

    By constructing the kernel monitor module and record creating module , the aim in getting various audit information in a Linux system is achieved .

  9. 上面的记录代表从IP地址为10.1.1.33的系统发送来的Kornshell审计信息。

    The example records shown above represent the Korn Shell audit information as sent from a system with an IP address of .

  10. 通过分析Linux内核源代码,并根据Linux系统提供的内核可加载模块以及系统调用的机制,找出获取Linux审计信息的方法。

    According to the mechanisms of Linux 's loadable module and system call , the sources are analyzed and the method of getting audit information in Linux is determined .

  11. 下面的脚本示例可以把审计信息转换为以逗号分隔值(CSV)的文件格式。

    An example script for converting the audit information to a comma-separated values file format follows .

  12. 审计信息可以存储在只允许审计人员访问的远程系统上,很容易使用标准的AIX工具进行处理。

    This audit information can be stored on a remote system to which only auditors have access and can be easily processed using standard AIX tools .

  13. 这个选项可以对任何用户的键盘操作进行日志记录,它可以配置为在本地存储审计信息,也可以使用KornShell连网功能执行远程存储。

    This option enables keyboard logging of any user and can be configured to store the audit information locally or remotely using Korn Shell networking .

  14. 监控平台采用Java构造,以实现跨平台监控能力,该监控平台通过配置正则表达式实现对应用审计信息进行监控,全面监控应用节点。

    Monitoring platform build in Java for cross-platform monitoring capabilities in the monitoring platform . By configuring the regular expression for the audit information on the application of a monitoring application node , monitor can do more .

  15. 通过使用Kornshell93连网功能,可以把审计信息存储到任何远程位置。

    Using the Korn Shell 93 networking capabilities , audit information can be stored at any remote location .

  16. 在这个示例中,每个记录包含月份、月的日期、时间、建立网络连接的系统的IP地址,然后是Kornshell审计信息。

    In this instance , each record contains the month , day of month , time , IP address of the system making the network connection , followed by the Korn Shell audit information previously described .

  17. Agen与多Agent系统技术主要用于构造结构复杂、信息丰富且功能强大的审计信息系统,在审计领域有着广阔的发展应用前景。

    The technology of agent & multi-agent systems , that have a broad application future , are used to construct auditing information system which is complicated , abundant in information and powerful .

  18. UNIXSHELL生成的命令历史记录是系统审计信息的重要来源,但它未能包含检测入侵所需的足够信息,且容易被用户本人篡改。

    Command history records generated by Unix shell is one of the important sources of system auditing information . But command history does not include sufficient information for intrusion detection and the history records can be easily modified by user themselves .

  19. 如果通过BRMS实现业务规则,企业可以通过审计信息或事件机制了解执行规则的结果。

    If business rules are implemented via a BRMS , audit trails or event mechanisms can notify the business of the results of the rules execution .

  20. 配置文件/etc/kshaudit应该包含定义审计信息存储位置的一行记录,然后是要审计的每个用户的UID号,这些用户执行的命令会被存储在指定的位置。

    The configuration file / etc / ksh_audit should contain one record line that defines the storage location for the audit information , followed by the UID number for each user whose commands are to be stored at the designated location .

  21. CADFWG开发的开放式标准用于汇总云审计信息,帮助云提供商生成并共享特定的审计事件、日志与报告信息。

    The CADF WG develops open standards for federating cloud audit information to help cloud provider to produce and share specific audit event , log , and report information .

  22. 审计信息系统论可以为计算机审计提供理论基础。

    This audit information system supplies theoretical basis for computer audit .

  23. 完善入侵检测系统审计信息的方法

    The Method of Perfecting the Audit Information in Intrusion Detection System

  24. 入侵检测中对系统日志审计信息进行数据挖掘的研究

    Research on Data Mining to System Log Audit Information in IDS

  25. 工程造价审计信息系统的构建与分析

    Establishment and Analysis of Auditing Information System in Construction Project Cost

  26. 不确定性与审计信息质量研究

    Research on Uncertainty and the Quality of Audit Information

  27. 审计信息质量的供需分析

    Analysis on the Supply and Demand of the Quality of the Audit Information

  28. 涉外税务审计信息系统的设计和实现

    The Design and Realization of TAX Audit MIS

  29. 审计信息不对称是审计诚信危机的主要原因之一。

    Asymmetric information is one of the main reasons for faith crisis in auditing .

  30. 这些钩子是用于收集审计信息、操作审计记录的接口。

    These hooks are the interface to collect auditing information and manage auditing record .