
  • 网络audit quality control
  1. 国外会计师事务所审计质量控制模式分析与借鉴

    Analysis and Reference of Overseas Audit Quality Control Modes in Accounting Firm

  2. 强化企业内部审计质量控制的思考

    A thought over strengthening audit quality control of enterprise interior

  3. 内部审计质量控制的必要性和意义

    Necessary of Controlling the Quality of Inner Audit and its Significance

  4. 注册会计师审计质量控制的博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Audit Quality Control of Certified Public Accountant

  5. 内部审计质量控制及其体系的讨论

    Discussion on the quality control for the internal auditing

  6. 加强和完善油田企业内部审计质量控制的研究

    Study on Strength and Complete of Internal Auditing Quality Control of Oilfield Enterprise

  7. 浅谈企业内部审计质量控制

    On Controlling the Quality of Internal Audit of Enterprises

  8. 但是,对内部审计质量控制却鲜有论述。

    But , the quality control of the internal audit is rarely discussed .

  9. 我国内部审计质量控制初探

    Research on Internal Audit Quality Control in China

  10. 论改善审计质量控制的措施

    On the Measures to Improving Audit Quality Control

  11. 在此基础上阐述了我国商业银行内部审计质量控制所存在的缺陷。

    This paper , therefore , focuses on internal auditing of Commercial Bank of China .

  12. 全面建立审计质量控制体系,这是会计工作与时俱进的必然要求。

    These are inevitable requests for accounting to keep the step of development of society .

  13. 论内部审计质量控制

    On Quality Control of Internal Auditing

  14. 试论军队审计质量控制

    On Quatitative control of military auditing

  15. 审计质量控制的几个问题

    Problems on Audit Quality Control

  16. 基于上述原因,本文选择对内部审计质量控制系统进行初步探讨。

    In view of the above reasons , the text focuses on the internal audit quality control system .

  17. 因此,构建会计事务所审计质量控制体系具有很强的现实意义。

    So it has great practical significance to construct the audit quality control system of accounting firm in our country .

  18. 企业内部审计质量控制是提高企业内部审计工作质量的重要途径。

    Quality of internal auditing in enterprise control is an important way for heighten quality of internal auditing in enterprise .

  19. 在这些研究的基础上,展望内部审计质量控制系统未来发展和提升的方向。

    In these studies , the article makes outlook on the basis of internal audit quality control system for future development .

  20. 最后,本文得出完善后的我国注册会计师审计质量控制体系框架。

    At last , the article bring out a new frame of our country 's audit quality control system of CPA .

  21. 分析了目前我国企业内部审计质量控制的现状,主要表现为内审机构建制不适应质量控制要求;

    The current situation of the audit quality control of the enterprise interior of our country at present has been analysed .

  22. 内部审计质量控制与公司治理在风险管理平台汇合。

    Meanwhile , internal auditing quality control goes against enterprises risk and meets public governing at the platform of risk management .

  23. 通过对政府监管模式、高度自律模式、政府监管和高度自律的中间模式进行深入的分析,提出对我国审计质量控制的借鉴意义。

    By the deep analysis among Government Supervision mode , a higher self-governance and interim mode was put forward on reference meaning to Chinese audit quality control .

  24. 通过研究和探讨,期望为促进我国企业内部审计质量控制工作规范化,全面化,系统化,细致化,提高我国企业内部审计质量,更好地发挥内部审计作用提出可行的方案和对策。

    The author expects to enhance the internal audit quality in our country enterprise through overall and systematic control work , make the internal audit function better .

  25. 明确总分所对审计质量控制的责任,并通过签署内部的相关奖惩协议来保证责任的承担;

    Making clear the overall analysis ' duty to auditing quality control , and guaranteeing the bearing of the responsibility through assigning up the inner relative agreements of rewards and penalties ;

  26. 建立一支专职的质量检查队伍,加强审计质量控制的理论研究和审计人员综合素质的培养。

    The paper analyzes the methodology of quality control for internal auditing based on the organizing , supervising , process , key points , human resources , rating and so on .

  27. 但如何加强经济责任审计质量控制,正确评价党政领导干部的经济责任,仍是我们目前面临的主要问题。

    But how strengthen an economic responsibility audit a quality control , the exactitude evaluates the economic responsibility of political leadership staff , ising still the key problem that we face currently .

  28. 优化高校内部审计质量控制,巩固内部审计的地位,减少审计风险,提高审计水平。

    To optimize the quality control of the internal audit within colleges and universities , the position of internal audit must be consolidated , the risk be reduced and the level exalted .

  29. 审计质量控制涵盖了审计作业全过程和与其有关的审计机关一切管理活动。

    Audit quality control is the management activity of audit control , which the audit organization and the auditor take out according to the regulated audit standards to achieve the audit aim .

  30. 目前,对于注册会计师审计质量控制,国内外各知名学者,都从不同角度不同视角进行了研究,使其已经成为一个较为完整的体系。

    At present , the domestic and foreign well-known scholars have conducted the research from different angles on certified public accountants audit quality control , and caused it already to become a complete system .