
  1. 但孝义木偶戏的发展轨迹既不是形式上纯审美化的,也不是内容上纯消费性的,是两者之间的完美制衡点。

    But the development track of Xiaoyi puppet show is neither pure aesthetic in form , nor pure consumer on contents , but the perfect balance point between the two .

  2. 未来的孝义木偶戏会在城市与乡村、传统剧目与创新剧目、新型载体与传统形式间出现分野。

    In the Future , Xiaoyi puppet show will appear these differences : in cities and villages , traditional drama and innovation plays , new carrier and the traditional form .

  3. 孝义木偶戏之所以能很快融入当地的文化传统,是因为孝义历来有演戏的习俗,除晋剧外,皮腔纸窗皮影戏是境内土生土长的戏剧形态。

    Because Xiaoyi has the custom of acting , Xiaoyi puppet show is able to quickly be absorbed into the local culture tradition , except Shanxi opera outside , Shadow puppetry is native .