
  • 网络hippies;the hippie movement
  1. 那就是嬉皮士运动和计算机热潮

    The hippy movement and computers .

  2. 在这里,湾区垮掉的一代发起了嬉皮士运动,

    There was the hippie movement , born out of the Bay Area 's beat generation ,

  3. 但是对我来说…60~70年代的嬉皮士运动给我留下了深刻印象

    but to me , remember the 60 's happens in the early 70 's , we have to remember that ,

  4. 这本书的内容有关于冥想、瑜伽和灵修,在嬉皮士运动中很有影响力。

    The book was very influential in the hippie movement , and it is about meditation , yoga , and spirituality .

  5. 嬉皮士运动大概就是这样,他们想寻找生活的真相

    and the hippie movement got a little bit like that , they want to find out what that was about ,

  6. 它们的上一次流行是在20世纪60年代和70年代,第一次环保风潮和嬉皮士运动期间。

    The last time they were in fashion was in the 1960s and 1970s , during the first environmental and hippy movement .

  7. 弗里德兰在印度师从尼姆·卡罗里大师(也就是马哈拉杰-吉),尼姆是20世纪60年代嬉皮士运动的精神导师。

    Friedland had studied in India with Neem Karoli Baba ( Maharaj-ji ) , who had been the guru to much of the sixties hippie movement .

  8. 在上个世纪喧闹沸腾的60年代,以反叛姿态出现的嬉皮士文化运动,开始直接对美国的传统文化发出挑战。

    In noisy 60 's , they initiated rebellious " Counter-Culture " movement , with the challenge to the dominant culture of America .