
kuā kè
  • quark
夸克[kuā kè]
  1. 超高效的粒子加速器将于80年代投入夸克探索的工作之中。

    Superpotent atom Smashers will undertake the quark quest in the1980s .

  2. 用b标记方法辨别,得到夸克喷注和胶子喷注。

    Quark and Gluon jets are identified through the b-tag method .

  3. 目前还没有人知道质子里面的这三个夸克为什么会结合在一起。

    At present nobody understands why these three quarks which are in the proton are bound together

  4. 后面将会看到,胶子对于质子内夸克的动力学机制来说是必需的。

    We shall see later that gluons are essential to the dynamics of the quarks inside the proton .

  5. 这个研究团队正在制造一种名叫“美夸克”(又称为“底夸克”)的粒子。

    The team have been creating a particle called ' a beauty quark ' .

  6. 英语的传播成为几种彼此难以理解的语言(b伦道夫夸克)

    The diaspora of English into several mutually incomprehensible languages ( bRandolph Quirk )

  7. 核力夸克模型中N△道耦合效应的研究

    Study of the ( N ) Channel Coupling Effect in Quark Model

  8. 对(b,t)夸克电磁流性质的探索

    Researches on Properties of the Electromagnetic Current of the b - Quark and t - Quark

  9. 通过改变前一模型中费米子所填的表示,可使得t夸克具有比b夸克重得多的质量。

    The representation assignments of fermions in a previous model are changed to make t-quark heavy .

  10. 深度非弹中的介子与双夸克态对R(σL/σT)的贡献

    Meson and di-quark contribution to r (σ _l / σ _t ) in deep inelastic scattering

  11. 手征SU(3)夸克模型下的N和Δ重子谱

    N and Δ Baryon Spectrum in the Chiral SU ( 3 ) Quark Model

  12. 本文讨论如何运用具有三层结构的BP神经网络对夸克胶子喷注进行识别。

    In this paper , we discuss using the three-layered BP neural network to identify the quark-gluon jets .

  13. 轻子&夸克的SU(6)型统一规范理论

    SU ( 6 ) - Gauge Model Unification of the Leptons-Quarks

  14. 但是核-核碰撞中∧/p比值趋向1,并不必然意味着夸克的味对称性。

    However , the ratio A / p approaching to unity in AA collisions comparing to pp collision does not necessarily mean quark flavor symmetry .

  15. 由于top夸克的极化可以测量,这也为测量有top夸克参与的新的相互作用的手征性提供了便利。

    The polarization of the top quark can be measured , which also provides a convenient measurement of the interactions involving top quark .

  16. 夸克、轻子形变与SU(3)对称

    The deformation of quark - lepton and su ( 3 ) symmetry

  17. 强CP问题的避风港&重夸克

    A Harbour for Strong CP Problem & Heavy Quarks

  18. 通常的Ds家族粒子可以用cs夸克结构解释。

    The ordinary Ds family can be understood in the cs quark structure .

  19. 介子跃迁形状因子的重夸克极限和1/mQ修正

    Heavy Quark Limit and 1 / m_Q Corrections to Form Factors for Mesonic Transitions Within the BS Formalism

  20. 满足Complementarity的SU(9)亚夸克大统一模型

    Su ( 9 ) grand unified PREON model satisfying complementarity

  21. 四代夸克的混合矩阵与CP破坏

    Four Generation Quark Mixing Matrix and CP Violation

  22. 夸克质量矩阵与CP对称性破坏

    Quark Mass Matrices and CP Violation

  23. SU(2)格点规范理论中的重夸克相互作用力及势的计算

    The calculation of heavy quark force and potential in su ( 2 ) lattice gauge theory

  24. 夸克禁闭势与色vanderwaals力

    Quark confinement potential and color van der Waals force

  25. ETC相互作用对NLC实验中顶夸克对产生过程CP破坏的贡献

    ETC Interactions and CP Violation in Top Quark Pair Production at the Next Linear Collider

  26. 通过相对论夸克模型并结合介子云的贡献,计算了ΔπN耦合常数以及πNN耦合常数。

    The couplings of Δπ N and π NN are calculated by employing the relativistic quark model incorporated with pion meson cloud .

  27. 夸克禁闭势与cc、bb体系的质量谱

    Quark Confinement Potential and cc bb Mass Spectra

  28. Ψ(2S)粒子及粲夸克偶素物理实验研究&2001年度国家自然科学奖获奖项目介绍

    Experimental studies on physics of the ψ( 2s ) particle and other charmonium States

  29. 夸克退定域色屏蔽模型与KN的S波共振态

    S-Wave Resonance of KN in the Quark-Delocalization , Color-Screening Model

  30. 将从夸克层次得到的K+N相互作用应用到K氢原子中,从散射长度得到能级移动。

    K + N interaction obtained from the constituent quark model is used in the calculation about the K hydrogen . The energy shift is obtained from scatting length .