
  1. 天然洞围岩稳定性评价

    Stability Assessment for the Surrounding Rock Mass of Natural Cave

  2. 本文介绍了七十年代初我国首次利用天然洞建造地下医院的设计情况。

    The design of first underground hospital in natural cavern in China is introduced .

  3. 雨后,他们能立即在天然洞取水。

    Immediately after the rains , however , they can collect water from natural hollows .

  4. 该年大紫胸鹦鹉仅利用7棵大树作为营巢树,利用32个巢洞,巢洞以天然洞为主,占巢洞总数的87.5%,且以向上或斜向上开口为主,占总数59.4%。

    In this year , these parrots used 32 holes in 7 trees as their nest sites . These holes were mainly natural ( 87.5 % ) and facing up ( 59.4 % ) .

  5. 严选自马来西亚砂拉越的天然动洞燕窝,稀少珍贵,质地纯净无污染。

    Made from natural bird nests from the limestone caves in Sarawak which is very precious , pure and non-polluted .

  6. 虽然现在它是一个海蚀洞穴,但其历史是由火山活动造就的天然熔洞,火山活动给它留下了一个与众不同的人造外貌。

    Though it is a sea cave now , its history is volcanic in nature , and left it with an unusually man-made appearance .

  7. 闪亮耀目的银面有机大造形在中厅创造出天然的洞。

    An organic sculpture , covered with a shiny silver color , will be designed as a natural cave in the middle of the shop .